21 Beautiful Grey Birds In The World

Birds are the beautiful creations of God. Birds are found almost everywhere flying in the open sky, chirping on trees, and resting on various nests. Birds can be found in every color with very different characteristics. Today, differentiating on the basis of their color here is a list of some grey birds who are having gray bodies or gray feathers.

Grey Birds

1. American bushtit

Bushtit is one of the small grey birds with white bellies that can grow up to 11 cm long and usually weighs between 5 to 6 grams. It is found in the bushes, thickets, oak forests, and woodlands of North America. It has a life expectancy of up to 9 years. Bushtit has a minute small body of gray or brown color with dark upper sides, males with dark eyes, and females having yellow eyes, large head, small bill, short neck, and long tail. It is a carnivore bird species feeding on small insects, spiders, and invertebrates.

American bushtit

Image Source: Thomas Quine

2. Boreal Chickadee

Boreal Chickadee can grow around 4 inches tall and weighs about 10 gram. It is found in the Coniferous Woods of North America. Boreal Chickadee is a very cute bird species with a gray head brown cap, gray face with white patches, brown belly, black throats, small black beaks, short wings, and a big tail. Boreal Chickadee is an omnivore species and depends mostly on insects, caterpillars, spiders, seeds, and invertebrates for nourishment.

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Boreal Chickadee

3. Gray Catbird

Gray Catbird is one of the beautiful grey birds that can grow up to 8 to 9 inches long and weighs around 0.077 lb. It is found usually in the bushy habitats and the rocky mountains of Mexico, the Caribbean, Western Europe, the American Cordillera, and the United States of America. It has a life anticipation of 11 months to 17 years.

Gray Catbird is an extremely cute and intelligent species with a gray body, tiny black cap towards the head, black beak, and pointed black tail. Gray Catbird is an omnivore bird feeding on berries and fruits, beetles, earthworms, mealworms, ants, bugs, grasshoppers, moths, caterpillars, cherries, blackberries, and elderberries.

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Gray Catbird

4. Carolina chickadee

Carolina Chickadee is one of the most beautiful birds in North Carolina can grow up to 15 to 20 cm long and weighs nearly 8 to 12 grams. The black and white bird with grey shades is found in the swamps, parks, urban areas, woodlands, riparian areas, and open woods of South Eastern America. It has an average life anticipation of 1.5 to 1.8 years.

Carolina Chickadee has a small body, light wings, back and tail, whitish or grey underparts, white cheeks, and a dark back and has a big head on a small neck looking like a circle shape. Just after 19 days of production, this bird begins to fly. Carolina Chickadee is an omnivore bird species that likes to feed on berries, sunflower seeds, spiders, and small insects.

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Carolina chickadee

5. Sandhill Crane

Sandhill Crane is one of the birds with long necks that can grow nearly 3 to 5 feet tall and weighs around 6 to 14 lb. It is found in the wetlands, marshes, river valleys, and bogs of North America. It has a life anticipation of about 20 years. Sandhill Crane is a beautiful bird with gray feathers, a gray neck, white cheeks, a red mark on the forehead long splendid neck, and long and very thin legs. It can fly at a speed of about 25 to 35 mph. Sandhill Crane is an omnivore bird species nourishing mostly on plant matter, and grains but occasionally lizards, rodents, worms, insects, and birds.

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Sandhill Crane

6. Gray Vireo

Gray Vireo can grow up to 130 to 148 mm long and has a weight of about 11.5 to 13.5 grams. It is found in the dry bushes, arid mountains, high plains, and chaparral of North America. It has an average lifespan of about 4 to 5 years. Gray Vireo has a small body, white or gray neck, light-colored belly, dark gray beak, eyes of white covering, wings covered with gray feathers, and bluish-gray feet. Gray Vireo is an omnivore bird species feeding on –plants, berries, beetles, moths, bugs, caterpillars, crickets, grasshoppers, and many more small insects.

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Gray Vireo

Image Source: Wikimedia

7. Mexican Chickadee

Mexican Chickadee can grow as long as 12.5 to 13.5 cm and weighs 7.5 to 11 grams. It is found in the mountains, coniferous forests, and pine-oak forests of the United States and Mexico. Its average life anticipation is estimated to be between 2 to 10 years. Mexican Chickadee has a gray back and gray flangs, light gray underside, dark gray neck, short beak, white cheeks, and a black cap. Mexican Chickadee is an omnivore species that nourishes mostly spiders, plants, berries, beetles, moths, bugs, caterpillars, crickets, grasshoppers, and many more small insects.

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Mexican Chickadee

Image Source: Wikimedia

8. Gray flycatcher

Gray flycatcher can grow up to 14 to 15 cm long and weighs around 11 to 14 grams. It is found in the sagebrush of the Great Basin. Gray flycatcher has a body covered with grey feathers on the upper side and white feathers on the underparts, a long yellow or pink beak with a black top, a yellow eye ring, and a long tail covered with gray wings. The gray flycatcher is an omnivore species that sometimes feeds on fruits and plants and mostly nourishes insects, moths, worms, caterpillars, and grasshoppers.

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Gray flycatcher

Image Source: Wikimedia

9. American Dipper

American Dipper is one of the water-diving birds that grows between to 7 to 8 inches long and weighs around 46 grams. It is found in the desert streams, mountain streams, seas, and river banks of Canada, Panama, North America, and Mexico. Its life expectancy is around 7 to 8 years. American Dipper has a gray body, brown head, gray wings, a tail covered with gray feathers, and a small beak. American Dipper is an omnivore and feeds mostly on aquatic insects like tadpoles, tiny fishes, fish eggs, larvae, and many more.

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American Dipper

10. Gray Jay

Gray Jay grows up to 25 to 33 cm long and weighs about 65 to 70 grams. It is found usually in the humid, boreal, and mature spruce forests of Mexico, North America, and Arizona. It is one of the most amazing grey birds in the world.

It has a life expectancy of about 8 years. Gray Jay has a light gray colored belly, white head having a gray crown, white forehead, big black tail, small black beak, and nails having white tips. It runs fly at a speed of 20 to 25 mph. Gray Jay is an omnivore bird species that like to feed mostly on seeds, berries, nuts, insects, fungi, mice, eggs, shrews, toads, small bats, and many more invertebrates.

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Gray Jay

Image Source: Wikimedia

11. Black-throated Gray Warbler

Black-throated Gray Warbler is a small warbler bird species that breed in the region of the Western US, from southern British Columbia, Idaho, and Wyoming, southwards to northern Mexico. During winters, it will move towards western Mexico. The bird species can grow between 11 to 13 cm in length and the average weight is between 7 to 10 gms. The diet primarily includes insects during the breeding season and small green caterpillars which are pests for oaks.

Black-throated Gray Warbler

Image Source: Wikimedia

12. Red-breasted Nuthatch

Red-breasted Nuthatch is one of the most popular birds of  North America and if forage is not available in the north. The flock will migrate to the south of North America for the season. The movement of the bird species is known as an irruption. It feeds primarily on conifer seeds, insects, caterpillars, beetles, wasps, crane flies, moths, and insect eggs. It can grow upto 4.5 in (11 cm) in length and the average weight is between 8.5 to 14.2 gms. The avarage lifespan of Red-breasted Nuthatch is upto 6 years in the wild.

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Image Source: Wikimedia

13. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher

The Black-tailed gnatcatcher scientifically known as Polioptila melanura is a small insectivorous bird that is mostly seen in the regions of Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.  It can grow between length 4.5 to 5 inches in length. The average weight of a Black-tailed Gnatcatcher is upto 5 gms. The exact lifespan of the bird species is unknown in the world.

Black-tailed Gnatcatcher

Image Source: Wikimedia

14. Gray Hawk

The Gray hawk bird species are scientifically known as Buteo plagiatus mostly seen in the regions of open country and forest edges. It is also known as the Mexican goshawk and can grow between 46 to 61 cm in length and its average weight is upto 475 gms. The bird species primarily feed on vertebrates, and also some reptiles such as Whiptail Lizard and Spiny Lizard.  The avarage lifespan of a gray hawk is unknown in the wild.

Gray Hawk

Image Source: Wikimedia

15. Gray-cheeked Thrush

The Grey-cheeked is one of the beautiful gray birds that can grow between 15 to 17 cm in length and its average weight is between 26 to 30 gms. The avarage wingspan ranges between 12.6 to 13.4 inches. The primary diet includes insects, such as beetles, weevils, ants, wasps, and caterpillars, however, they are seen eating fruits and berries. The avarage lifespan of Gray-cheeked Thrush is unknown in the wild.

Gray-cheeked Thrush

Image Source: Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren

16. Tufted Titmouse

The Tufted Totmouse is one of the beautiful gray birds of the North American region that will come offenly to collect sunflower seeds offered to them. It can grow between 15 to 17 cm in length with a total wingspan of between 23 to 28 cm. The avarage weight of a Tufted Titmouse is between 18 to 26 grams. Talking about its appearance, the underside of the bird species is white in color, howvever, they have rusty-brown sides and gray backs. The. Bills are short but stout and hardy. The avarage lifespan of a Tufted Titmouse is upto 2.1 years in the wild.

Tufted Titmouse

Image Source: Wikimedia

17. Gray kingbird

The gray kingbird also known as the grey kingbird is a passerine bird that belongs to the family Tyrannidae. Talking about its appearance, these bird species measure approximately 23 cm (9.1 in) in length and weigh between 37 to 52 grams. The underparts are gray along with brownish wings and tail. The head has a concealed yellow crown stripe, and a dusky mask through the eyes. They are mostly seen thriving in the regions of tall trees and shrubs, including the edges of savanna and marshes. The primary diet includes insects (their staple diet).

Gray kingbird

Image Source: Wikimedia

18. Warbling vireo

The warbling vireo scientific name Vireo gilvus is a small North American songbird that belongs to the family Vireonidae. These bird species are very popular for their persistent singing from the nest only. The body length is between 12 to 13 cm and the body mass is between 10 to 16 grams. Talking about the appearance, the face is moderately distinct white supercilium along with grayish eye-line and additional contrasting markings. The normal migration period is May 22 to June 10 and August 25 to September 8.

Warbling vireo

Image Source: Wikimedia

19. Bahama mockingbird

The Bahama Mockingbird is closely related to the Northern Mockingbird and is mainly seen in the on islands in the Bahamas, and in other scattered locations in the western Caribbean. They love to thrive in the regions of shrubby areas with scattered trees. The primary diet includes insects, fruits, and berries. Th female species lay between 2 and 3 eggs, and that nesting pairs raise more than one brood per season. The song of the bird species is related to a series of repeated, mostly two-syllable phrases.

Bahama Mockingbird

Image Source: Dan

20. Grey parrot

The grey parrot’s scientific name is Psittacus erithacus which belongs to the Old World parrot in the family Psittacidae. The body length is between 25 to 36 cm and avarage wieght is between 400 to 490 grams. The closest relative of the bird species is the Timneh parrot (Psittacus timneh) which is a subspecies of the grey parrot. Talking about the appearance, it is one of the largest parrots in Africa and is predominantly grey in color and has darker grey than its body over the head and both wings. The coloration of juvenile and adult are almost the same. The avarage lifespan of grey parrot species is between 23 to 60 years in the wild.

Grey parrot

21. Loggerhead Shrike

The The Loggerhead shrike scientific name is Lanius ludovicianus is a medium-sized bird species that is endemic to North America.  The body length is between 20 to 23 cm in length and the average weight is between 45 to 60 grams. The bird species is nicknamed butcherbird because of its carnivorous tendencies since it preys on amphibians, small birds, and even small mammals. These are diurnal birds that are usually seen alone. The avarage lifespan of loggerhead shrike is upto 12 years in the wild.

Loggerhead shrike

Image Source: Kevin

These are some of the amazing grey birds seen across the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.

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