16 Black And White Birds In The World

Birds are also known as Ave’s or avian dinosaurs and are placed under the group of endothermic vertebrates, characterized by feathers, toothless beaked jaws, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a strong yet lightweight skeleton. With the millions of types of birds that roam this world, Here is a list of some of the most beautiful black and white birds in the world,

Black And White Birds In The World

1. Black-and-White Warbler

The Black-and-White Warbler is a black bird species with white strips on its wings belonging to the  New World warbler and is the only member of its genus Mniotilta. The bird species breed in the regions of northern and eastern North America. During the winter season, it went through Florida, Central America, and the West Indies down to Peru. The body ranges between 11 to 13 cm in length and the average weight is between 8 to 15 grams. The dietary habits are carnivores in nature and feed on arthropods, including lepidopteran larvae, beetles, ants, and spiders. The avarage lifespan of the Black-and-White Warbler is upto 11 years.

Black-and-white Warbler

2. Chickadee

The Chickadee is a gray bird species mostly seen in Central America and a common bird in North Carolina. It belongs to the family Paridae and its body length ranges upto 3 inches. The average weight is between 0.3 to 0.4 oz. The avarage lifespan of a Chickadee is upto 3 years in the wild. The dietary habits are omnivores in nature and feed on insects and seeds. They are popular for the sound they make which goes like Chick-a-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee. It is also listed as a small grey bird with white bellies in the world.

Carolina chickadee

3. White-Breasted Nuthatch

White-Breasted Nuthatch is a common bird species in deciduous forests and wooded urban areas. It is also known as an “upside down” bird because it is mostly seen creeping headfirst down tree trunks while searching cracks and crevices for insect food. It is also listed as the blue and white bird in the world.

The name Nuthatch comes from the corruption of the word “nuthack” which refers to its habit of hacking away at a seed with its beak until it opens. The body length ranges between 13 to 15 cm and the average weight is 18 to 30 grams. The avarice lifespan of White-Breasted Nuthatch is between 2 to 12 years in the wild. The dietary habits are omnivores in nature and feed on insects and seeds.

White-Breasted Nuthatch

4. Downy Woodpecker

The Downy Woodpecker is the smallest and most common woodpecker species and prefers to live where trees grow. They are mostly seen in the regions of the United States and Canada, except for the deserts of the southwest and the tundra of the north. The body length ranges between 14 to 18 cm and the avarage wieght between 20 to 33 gms. They are diurnal bird species meaning roosting at night inside holes. The primary diet includes insects (especially beetles, caterpillars, and ants) and seeds and berries.  The avarage lifespan of the Downy Woodpecker is between 1 to 2 years in the wild.

Downy Woodpecker

5. Black-Billed Cuckoo

The black-billed cuckoo is a bird species that belong to the Cuculidae (cuckoo) family. The scientific name is Coccyzus erythropthalmus which comes from Ancient Greek and the genus name is kokkuzoto call for a common cuckoo. The bird species forage in shrubs or trees and feeds on insects, especially tent caterpillars, some snails, eggs of other birds, and berries.  The body length is between 28 to 31 cm and the average weight is between 40 to 65 grams. The avarage lifespan of a Black-Billed Cuckoo is upto 5years in the wild.

Black-Billed Cuckoo

Image Source: Wikimedia

6. Royal Tern

The royal tern is one of the most beautiful black and white birds in the world that belongs to the family Laridae. It is endemic to the Americas, though strays have been identified in Europe. The body length ranges between 45 to 50 cm and the avarice wieght is 350 to 450 grams. The avarage lifespan of the royal tern is upto 17 years in the wild. The dietary habits are carnivores in nature and feed on fish with an avarage of 6 to 7 cm in length, squid, shrimps, and crabs.

Royal Tern

7. American Oystercatcher

The American oystercatcher also known as the American pied oystercatcher belongs to the family Haematopodidae. Initially, it was known as “sea pie” and later it was renamed in 1731 when naturalist Mark Catesby observed the bird eating oysters. The body length of the American oystercatcher ranges between 42 to 52 cm and the average weight is between 400 to 700 grams. The avarage lifespan of an American Oystercatcher is between 10 to 17 years. The dietary habits are carnivores in nature and feed on marine worms, mussels, clams, limpets, sea urchins, starfish, and crabs.

American Oystercatcher

8. Snow Goose

The snow goose is one of the white birds in Florida native to North America.  The name of the type of goose is derived from the typically white plumage and it was previously placed in the genus Chen but is now typically included in the “gray goose” genus Anser. The body length of a snow goose is upto 70 cm and the average weight is between 2.05 to 2.7 KG. The avarage lifespan of a snow goose is upto 20 years. The dietary habits are herbivorous and feed on roots, leaves, sedges, and grasses. It is also listed as one of the new england birds in the world.

Snow Goose

9. Wood Stork

The Wood Stork is one of the most amazing black and white birds in the world that belongs to the family Ciconiidae (storks). One of the long legged birds was formally known as the “wood ibis”, though it is not an ibis. The avarage length of the wood stork is upto 1 meter in length Ana’s average weight is between 2 to 3 kg. The hieght of the bird species is between 83 to 115 cm and the wingspan is between 140 to 180 cm. The dietary habits are carnivores in nature where during the dry season they eat mostly fish, supplemented by insects, and during the wet season, they prefer eating fish, crabs, insects, and frogs.

Wood Stork

10. American white pelican

The American white pelican is a large aquatic white bird that mostly breeds in North America during the winter season it moves to the south and the coasts, as far as Central America and South America. The body length of the American white pelican ranges between 130 to 180 cm in length and the average weight is between 3.5 to 13.6 kilograms. The dietary habits are carnivores and they mainly eat fish and sometimes will eat salamanders and crustaceans.

American white pelican

Image Source: Wikimedia

11. Black Phoebe

The Black Phoebe is one of the beautiful black and white birds in the world that belongs to the tyrant-flycatcher family. The body length is between 16 to 18 cm and average weight is between 15 to 22 grams. The bird species breeds in the regions of North America south through Central and South America. Talking about the appearance, they have a predominantly black plumage along with white on its belly and undertail coverts. The dietary. Habit is carnivores in nature and feeds on wide range of insects and even some birds are well adapted to capturing small fish.

Black Phoebe

12. Black-Necked Stilt

The The black-necked stilt scientific name is Himantopus mexicanus mostly seen in the areas of California through much of the interior western United States and along the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, Central America and Galápagos Islands. The average length is upto 36 cm (14 in) and average wieght is between 6 to 7 ounces. The primary diet includes small seeds, flies, crayfish, brine shrimp, snails, tadpoles, and fish. The average lifespan is upto 5 years in the wild. The male species can be identified with the help of glossy black feathers and a white spot above each eye.

Black-Necked Stilt

Image Source: Wikimedia

13. American Coot

American Coot is one of the black birds in Florida that commonly mistaken for ducks.  They are distantly related to ducks and belongs to different order. Talking about the appearance, they have a  short, thick, white bill and white frontal shield which has a reddish-brown spot near to the top of the bill between the eyes. These are monogamous who pairs stay together for life. These bird species serve as prey for predators which share their habitats and affect the population of aquatic plants and invertebrates that they eat. 

American Coot

14. Common Loon

Common Loon is one of the birds chirping at night that belongs to the family Gaviidae. The population of birds are decreasing and main reasons include habitat destruction, pollution of the water and soil. They are diurnal who are active during the day and can reach a speed of 75 miles per hour in the air, however, for that it needs to run between 00 to 600 feet to reach the required speed. Loons is one of the webbed feet birds that produce yodel calls to announce occupation of a territory during the breeding season and tremolo calls are signs of aggression. The average lifespan of common loon sis upto 30 years in the wild.

Common Loon

15. Blackpoll Warbler

The blackpoll warbler scientifically known as Setophaga striata  is a New World warbler bird species where both males are mostly black and white in color. The breeding region of bird species includes northern North America, from Alaska throughout most of Canada, to the mountains of New York and New England.  The primary diet includes lice, locusts, cankerworms, mosquitoes, webworms, ants, termites, gnats, aphids and sawflies. The average lifespan of blackpoll warbler is between 3 to 6 years in the wild.

Blackpoll Warbler

Image Source: Wikimedia

16. Ladder-Backed Woodpecker

The ladder-backed woodpecker scientific name is Dryobates scalaris and is a North American woodpecker that belongs to the family Picidae. The body length is between 16 to 18 cm and average wieght is between 21 to 48 grams. The average lifespan of ladder backed woodpecker is upto 4.5 years in the wild. The appearance of the bird species is very similar to Nuttall’s woodpecker, howeever, it has much less black on its head and the range of breeding includes southern California and northern Baja California. 

Ladder-Backed Woodpecker

Image Source: Wikimedia

These are some of the most beautiful black and white birds in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.

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