16 Brown Birds With Red Head

There are nervous colorful bird species across the world that have an eye-catching pattern. Here is the list of 16 brown birds with red head,

Brown Birds With Red Head

1. European Goldfinch

The European goldfinch is a small passerine bird native to Europe, North Africa, and western and central Asia. The body size is between 12 to 13 cm and the average weight is between 14 to 19 grams. They are also shown in the Italian Renaissance paintings of the Madonna and Child.

The bird species are social birds, especially in the winter when they group to form flocks of up to 40 individuals and sometimes even more.  The avarage lifespan of European goldfinch is upto 10 years in the wild. The dietary habit is herbivores in nature and feeds on small seeds such as those from thistles and teasels, but they also take buds, flowers, and the fruits of plants.

European Goldfinch

2. House finch

House finches are one of the brown birds with red head that get easily attracted to bird feeders. The bird species is native to the Western United States and were only seen thereafter they were turned loose in 1940 on Long Island, New York after they could not be sold as caged birds. They are also considered as resident or short-distance migrants and prefer living in the same place year-round or moving from the northeast U.S. to the south for the winter. House finch can also be recognized by sharp “cheeeep” calls.

house finch

3. Purple finch

The purple finch is one of the pink birds that belong to the finch family, Fringillidae. The body size of purple finch is between 12 to 16 cm in length and the average weight is between 18 to 32 grams. The avarage lifespan of purple finch is upto 14 years in the wild. They occur in Canada and the northeastern United States.

They are social birds and spend time in flocks that contain different bird species. The primary diet consists of sunflower seeds, millet, and thistle. The purple finch is also the state bird of New Hampshire and Richard Brookes described the female Purple finch in Mexico with the name of “chiantototl” which is translated as “chia seed bird” in the year 1763.

Purple finch

4. Cassin’s finch

Cassin’s finch is one of the brown birds with red head that belong to the finch family, Fringillidae.  They are closely related to the Purple and House Finches where male species has a rosy red head, throat, breast, and rump, however, females can be identified with white below and heavily streaked with brown color. The boy’s size is upto 6 inches with a wingspan of upto 11 inches. They prefer to thrive in high-elevation coniferous forests.

Cassin’s finch

5. Redhead bird

The redhead is a medium-sized diving duck species that belongs to the family Anatidae. The body length of a redheaded bird is between 18 to 21.7 inches and the average wieght is between 680 to 1450 grams. The avarage lifespan of redheaded birds is upto 22.5 years. During the breeding season, bird species are found across a wide range of North America, from as far north as Northern Canada to the Caribbean. The primary diet includes both plant and animal materials. 

Redhead bird

Image Source: Wikipedia

6. Common linnet

The Common linnet is a bird species that belongs to the finch family, Fringillidae.  The body length is between 13 to 14 cm and the average weight is between 15 to 26 grams. The avarage lifespan of a common linnet is between 2 to 9 years in the wild. The scientific name is Linaria derived from its fondness for hemp seeds and flax seeds. They are birds with long tails and are diurnal. They are mostly seen in pairs or small groups, however, they can form large flocks outside the breeding season, sometimes mixed with other finches, such as twite, on coasts, and salt marshes.

Also Read: 10 Black birds With The Red Chest

Common linnet

7. Common pochard

The common pochard is one of the ducks with red eyes that prefers to thrive in marshes and lakes with a meter or more water depth. The scientific name is Aythya ferinaderived from the Greek aithuia an unidentified seabird mentioned by authors including Hesychius and Aristotle. They are gregarious birds and form large flocks in winter and even mix with other diving ducks such as the tufted duck. The avarage lifespan of the common pochard is upto three years and breeding will occur once a year.

Common Pochard

8. Turkey vulture

Turkey vulture is closely related to the stork and the scientific name in Latin means “cleansing breeze.” Talking bout appearance, they have brownish, black bodies along with a featherless head that is black in immature birds and red in adults. The common animals of chaparral are seen across Southern Canada and South America. During the winter season, it migrates to the southern US region. The average lifespan of turkey vultures is upto 16 years in the wild and 30 years in captivity.

Turkey vulture

9. Red crossbill

The red crossbill or common crossbill is a small passerine bird that belongs to the finch family Fringillidae. The body size is between 14 to 16 cm and the average wieght is between 31 to 42 grams. The avarage lifespan of a Red Crossbill is upto 8 years in the wild. The bird species inhabit North America, southern Alaska, Newfoundland, the northern United States, Central America, North Carolina, Northern Eurasia, northern Africa, the Philippines, and south-eastern Asia.  They are seen across the year in flocks and able to climb about in mature conifers and their bills are being used to grab cones and branches.

Red crossbill

10. Pine Grosbeak

The Pine Grosbeak is one of the brown birds with a redhead and is also listed among the largest of the northern finches.  The red bird is seen across Canada and the Northern States of the U.S. all year around, however, they are also seen in the northern forests of Europe and Russia. Talking about the appearance, the male has a red head along with underparts and a back with black wings with white bars and a black slightly forked tail, however, females don’t have red coloring and their bodies are grey and their heads and necks are orange or rust color. It is also listed as one of the black and white birds with a red chest.

Pine Grosbeak

11. Vermilion Flycatcher

The Vermilion Flycatcher is one of the black birds with a red chest and the range includes almost all of Mexico; it extends north into the southwestern United States, and south to scattered portions of Central America and parts of northwestern and central South America. The red bird species used to perch in shrubs or small trees waiting for the prey to pass by and as soon as prey is spotted, they will chase and capture it. The communication of these black and red birds includes a “peet-peet” trill call and also has a pleasant, tinkling flight song. The young ones leave the nest 15 days after hatching and become reproductively mature when they are 2 years old.

Vermilion flycatcher

12. Arizona Woodpecker

The The Arizona woodpecker’s scientific name is Leuconotopicus arizonae is q woodpecker species native to southern Arizona and New Mexico and the Sierra Madre Occidental of western Mexico.  Talking about the appearance, the bird species looks identical to Strickland’s woodpeckers which can grow between 7 to 8 inches (18 to 20 cm) in length. The plumage is brown and white in coloration, however, bird species is brown on top with a dark rump with white underparts speckled with brown spots.  The average lifespan of Arizona Woodpeckers is not known in the wild.

Arizona Woodpecker

Image Source: Mick thompson

13. Common Redpoll

The Common Redpoll is one of the common red headed birds in Hawaii that belongs to the family Fringillidae. The small grey bird with white bellies breeds south of the Arctic redpoll and it is also in habitats with thickets or shrubs. The typical habitat of these bird species includes boreal forests of pines, spruces, and larches. The primary diet consists of seeds, principally birch, and alder seeds in the winter. The identification of these bird species is quite difficult. It is slightly larger than the Lesser Redpoll and the breeding area is in the Continental Europe. 

Common Redpoll

14. Red-Faced Warbler

The red-faced warbler’s scientific name is Cardellina rubrifrons and belongs to the family Parulidae. The bird species can grow upto 14 cm long and the average weight is upto 9.8 grams. Talking about the appearance, they are light gray on top with a white rump and a white underside. The face, neck, and upper breast are red, while the crown and sides of the head are black. The nest of the bird species is placed close to the ground, or on tundra/low-growing ground cover, driftwood, or rock ledges. The average lifespan of a red-faced warbler is upto 3 years in the wild.

Red-Faced Warbler

Image Source: Aaron

15. Red-headed Quelea

The red-headed Quelea is one of the beautiful brown birds with a redhead that belongs to the family Ploceidae. The bird species was formerly described by  Karel Johan Gustav Hartlaub, a German physician and ornithologist. The first specimen was taken by Carl Weiss, a German collector, along with a specimen of another bird known as the Sao Tome Weaver. The primary diet consists of grass seeds and insects. Rice is taken, and it may be a pest in some areas. Nestlings are fed on insects. These bird species are highly gregarious and often seen in flocks of over 1000.

Red-headed Quelea

Image Source: Wikimedia

16. Red-fronted Rosefinch

The red-fronted rosefinch is a species of rosefinch that belongs to the family Fringillidae. The bird species is seen in the regions of Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan, however, the natural habitat is montane tundra. This is a rare resident bird. It can be spotted in high elevations, open steep rocky slopes, and grassy boggy plains up to 5500 m. The bird species has been classified as least concern and sometimes placed in the monotypic genus Pyrrhospiza. 

Red-fronted Rosefinch

Image Source: Wikimedia

This is the list of 16 Brown birds with red head. Kindly share and post your comments.

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