10 Most Beautiful Ducks With Red Eyes

This will be the best thing you read today if you need assistance identifying ducks with red eyes. Ducks is one of the farm animals frequently experience red-eye illnesses as well. But how many of you are familiar with ducks that have eyes that are always red? The canvasback, wood duck, common pochard, red-breasted merganser, cape teal, cinnamon teal, and many more ducks are examples of birds with red eyes. Here is a list of ten ducks with red eyes,

Ducks with Red eyes

1. Rosy-Billed Pochard

The distinctive diving ducks known as rosy-billed pochards, commonly referred to as rosy bills or rosy bill pochards, are unique to South America. They can be found in marshes, shallow lakes, swamps, ponds covered with duckweed, and tiny lakes in Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Brazil, and Argentina. Their scientific name, “Netta,” originates from an ancient Greek term that means “duck,” and the word “peposaca,” which alludes to their white wing stripes, comes from the Guarani language of South America.

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Rosy-Billed Pochard

Image Source: Wikimedia

2. Cinnamon Teal

Cinnamon Teal is a small dabbling duck known as cinnamon teal that can be found in both North and South America. They reproduce in ponds and marshes in the western United States and some southwesterly regions of Canada. Since they migrate, members of the species spend the winter in places like Texas, California, Arizona, Mexico, the Caribbean, and northern South America.

Male cinnamon teals can be identified by their dark beaks, brown backs, red eyes, and cinnamon-red plumage. Females have grey beaks, pale brown heads, brown eyes, and brown-mottled plumage. They occasionally coexist with other duck species and are typically seen in pairs or small flocks.

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Cinnamon Teal

3. Wood Duck

Carolina ducks are another name for wood ducks. They are among the waterfowl in North America with the most vivid colors. Male wood ducks can be distinguished from females by their greyish-brown color, white eye rings, and blue speculum, as well as their multicolored plumage and brilliant red eyes.

On the west coast of the United States, the eastern regions of the United States, southern Canada, and the west coast of Mexico, wood ducks breed in wooded swamps, shallow lakes, marshes, ponds, and creeks. They are the only North American ducks that may raise two broods in a single season. They lay a clutch of 7–15 white–tan eggs in cavities in trees near bodies of water.

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Wood Duck

4. Canvasback

One of the largest diving duck species in North America is the canvasback. They range in length from 19 to 22 inches, weigh between 1.9 and 3.5 pounds, and have a wingspan of up to 35 inches. The early European settlers in North America gave them the nickname “canvas-like colors” because of their backs. Males have reddish-brown heads, black chests, white feathers, and red eyes. Males have bright red eyes during the breeding season; during the non-breeding season, the eyes become dull red.

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Image Source: Wikimedia

5. Red-crested Pochard

Red-crested Pochard is a large diving duck with crimson eyes, the red-crested pochard can be found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. It migrates to spend the winter in Northern Africa and the Indian subcontinent after breeding in lowland marshes and lakes of Southern Europe and Central Asia.

The females of the species lay 8–12 light green eggs while nesting among lake vegetation. Large, rounded, rusty-colored heads, long red beaks, white flanks, brown backs, and black breasts make male red-crested pochards easily identifiable. Females have white-grey faces, darker backs, and pale brown plumage. They are the largest species of pochard, measuring 20 to 23 inches in length, 2 pounds in weight, and 34 inches across the wings.

Red-crested Pochard

Image Source: Wikipedia

6. Red-Breasted Merganser

Red-Breasted Merganser is large diving ducks known as red-breasted mergansers found throughout Asia, Europe, and North America. They have a wingspan of 28–34 inches, are 20–24 inches long, and weigh 1.7–3 pounds. These long-bodied ducks have shaggy crests on their heads, narrow beaks with serrated edges, and long bodies. Male red-breasted mergansers can be recognized by their rusty breasts, white underparts, blackheads with a green sheen, black backs, white necks, and vivid red eyes.

Red-Breasted Merganser

Image Source: Wikimedia

7. White-cheeked Pintail

Pintails with white cheeks are also referred to as summer ducks and Bahama pintails. In South America, the Caribbean, and the Galapagos Islands, these dabbling ducks are frequent in mangrove swamps, little lakes, and coastal lagoons. The white-cheeked pintail has brown plumage, reddish-brown to red eyes, the same white cheeks that gave them their name, and grey bills with red bases.

They lay 5–12 eggs between the months of February–June in the Bahamas, April–July in Puerto Rico, and April–November in Trinidad and Tobago when there is a lot of rainfall. The species is mostly monogamous, however, rarely males will mate with different females. Near water and plants, they construct their nests on the ground. It is also listed as one of the ducks with white stripes on thier head in the world.

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White-cheeked Pintail

Image Source: Wikimedia

8. Southern Pochard

South America and Africa are home to the diving ducks known as southern pochards. They live in a variety of shallow freshwater habitats with underwater vegetation, from lowlands to elevations of 12,000 feet. The large white wing bands on these dark-looking ducks can be observed when they are flying.

The glossy black plumage, chestnut wings, light blue-grey beak, and ruby red eyes of male southern pochards are all distinguishable features. Females are brown with white around their bills, a crescent behind their eyes, and dark brown-red eyes. They consume aquatic vegetation, larvae, and some aquatic animals as omnivores; they primarily dive for food.

Southern Pochard

Image Source: Wikimedia

9. Common Pochard

Common Pochard is one of a brown birds with red head medium-sized diving bird called common pochards to have small eyes with vivid red irises. In Europe, Asia, and Africa, they are frequently discovered in lakes and marshes. Rusty heads, pale grey feathers, black breasts, and large pale bluish areas on their bills are all characteristics of adult males.

The bill bands on females are more sparse and grey in color. Male common pochards whistle with a nasal “aaoo-oo-haa” note, while females growl with a harsh voice. Being a very social bird, common pochards often group together in sizable flocks during the winter, frequently with other diving ducks.

Common Pochard

Image Source: Wikimedia

10. Cape Teal

Cape Teal is sub-Saharan Africa’s wide marshes are a popular habitat for these medium-sized, compact dabbling ducks. They are roughly 18 inches long and typically weigh 0.88 pounds. Cape teals feature orange-reddish eyes, brown backs, pale grey feathers, and pink beaks. Males and females differ slightly in size, color, and pattern.

They will exhibit a green patch in their wings that is encircled by white while flying. The noises that cape teals make, mostly during the breeding season, can be used to identify them. Males make loud, nasal “swii-tsiiu” calls and sharp nasal calls, while females make loud, nasal “querck” calls.

Cape Teal

Image Source: Wikimedia

These are the 10 most beautiful ducks with red eyes. Kindly share and do post your comments.

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