16 Black birds With The Red Chest

Birds are one of the fascinating gifts of nature known for their beauty, song, and intelligence, Here is a list of some of the black birds with the red chest,

Black birds With The Red Chest

1. Rose-breasted grosbeaks

The Rose-breasted grosbeaks are black and red birds known as “cut-throat”  because of their beautiful coloration. The body length of bird species ranges between 18 to 22 cm in length and the average weight is between 35 to 65 grams. Males and females exhibit marked sexual dimorphism, however, the male species comes with blackheads, wings, backs, and tails. There is a rose-colored patch on their white breast and hence listed as one of the beautiful black birds with the red chest. The avarage lifespan of rose-breasted grosbeaks is between 7 to 24 years.

Rose-breasted grosbeaks

2. Red-breasted Meadowlark

The red-breasted meadowlark is a passerine bird that belongs to the New World family Icteridae.  The bird species was formerly known as the red-breasted blackbird, howvever, it is not closely related to the red-winged blackbird group. The bird species were mostly seen in the South America and North American continents and countries such as Trinidad and Tobago, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. The body length ranges upto 19 cm long and the average weight is between 40 to 48 grams.

Red-breasted Meadowlark

Image Source: Wikimedia

3. Painted redstart

The Painted redstart is one of the popular black and white birds with red chests that belong to the New World warbler that mostly breeds in the region of mountainous areas across inland Central America. The body length ranges upto 15 cm and the average weight is between 5.9 to 9.6 grams. The adult species can be identified with glossy black plumage along with white strips on the wing and a bright red belly. There is no concrete data on the avarage lifespan of birds but there is one banded-painted white star that did return to the same feeder for eight consecutive winters which would make it at least 7 years old.

Painted redstart

Image Source: Wikimedia

4. Vermilion flycatcher

The vermilion flycatcher is one of the black birds with a red chest mostly seen in South America and southern North America. The body length ranges between 13 to 14 cm in length and the average weight is between 11 to 14 grams. It is also listed as one of the most amazing red birds in the world.

The avarage lifespan of the Vermilion flycatcher is upto 5 years. Male species can be identified with bright red in color and dark brown plumage, however, females, have peach-colored bellies with dark gray upperside.  The dietary Habits are carnivores in nature and feed on insects such as flies, grasshoppers, and beetles. They are also seen eating fish and bees occasionally. It is also listed as one of the brown birds with red head.

Vermilion flycatcher

5. Red-Breasted Sapsucker

The red-breasted sapsucker is a medium-sized woodpecker species that is seen on the west coast of North America. The body length ranges between 20 to 22 cm in length and the average weight is between 39 to 68 grams. Their dietary habits are frugivores, herbivores, and omnivores in nature, and feed on insects, tree sap, and fruit. The average lifespan of a Red-Breasted Sapsucker is between 2 to 3 years in the wild. The scientific name of the red-breasted sapsucker is Sphyrapicus ruber and the wingspan is between 14 to 16 inches. It is also listed as one of the black birds with red heads in the world.

Red-Breasted Sapsucker

Image Source: Linda tanner

6. Crimson-breasted shrike

The crimson-breasted shrike is a southern African bird that comes with black upper parts with a white flash on the wing and bright scarlet underparts making it one of the black birds with a red chest. The primary diet includes ants, beetles, caterpillars, and small fruits. The body ranges upto 22cm in length and wieght is upto 50 grams. It is mostly seen near pupa Falls, Rundu, Caprivi Strip, Kalahari Desert, and etosha national park. The exact lifespan of the crimson-breasted shrike is not known, however, there was one bird of eight years and three months recorded. 

Crimson-breasted shrike

Image Source: Derek

7. Great frigate bird

A great frigate bird is a seabird that belongs to the family of frigatebirds. As of now, 5 species of frigatebird are known to humans mostly seen on the coasts and islands in tropical and subtropical areas all over the world.  The body length ranges between  30 to 45 inches in length and the average weight is between 35 to 67 ounces of weight. The bird species is most active during the day and roosts in the trees during the night. The primary diet includes fish, mollusks, squids, crustaceans, jellyfish, and turtles. The avarage lifespan of a great frigate is upto 15 to more than 40 years in the wild. It is also listed as one of the animals with a throat pouch in the world.

Great frigate bird

8. Scarlet-chested sunbird

The Scarlet-chested Sunbird is a bird species that belongs to the Nectariniidae family. The bird species are found in sub-Saharan Africa, from southern Mauritania and Guinea to Ethiopia and south to northern Namibia and north-eastern South Africa.  The body length of a bird ranges between 13 to 15 cm and the average weight is between 10 to 14 grams.

The total wingspan is between 25 to 30 cm and prefers to thrive in dry savannas and scrublands. The primary diet includes nectar from various flowers such as Erythrina, Leonotis, Loranthus, Aloe, Tithonia, Schotia, Kniphofia, Crotalaria, Callistemon, Canna, Tapinanthus, Bombax, Phragmanthera and Albizia.

Scarlet-chested sunbird

9. Cebu flowerpecker

The Cebu flowerpecker is a small passerine bird endemic to Cebu Island in the Philippines. The body length of a Cebu flowerpecker is between 11 and 12 centimeters and its primary diet includes small fruits and mistletoe plants to get its energy. They prefer to breed in the Tabunan Forest, the Babayungan Forest in Dalaguete, and the Nug-as Forest in Alcoy on the island of Cebu in the Philippines.

The Cebu Flowerpecker is a critically endangered breeding bird. It was feared to have become extinct early in the 20th century after the clearance of most of the island’s forests, but was rediscovered in 1992 in a small patch of limestone forest in the Central Cebu Protected Landscape and has since been found at three other sites, namely, the Nug-as forest of Alcoy, Mount Lantoy of Argao and the forests of Dalaguete. 

Cebu flowerpecker

Image Source: Wikimedia

10. Scarlet honeyeater

The scarlet honeyeater is also known as scarlet myzomela which belongs to the family Meliphagidae native to Australia. The bird species was first described by English ornithologist John Latham in 1801.  Their body length ranges between 9 to 11 centimeters and is also known as the smallest honeyeater in Australia. It breeds in Far North Queensland down the east coast to Mitchell River National Park in Gippsland, Victoria. It primarily feeds on the crowns of trees, darting from flower to flower, probing for nectar with its long curved bill.  It primarily feeds on nectar and sometimes on fruits and insects.

Scarlet honeyeater

11. Pine Grosbeak

Pine Grosbeak is one of the brown birds with red head and also the largest of the northern finches. During the winter season, males come in bright red color and are nicely offset by the white snow.   The female species are not as bright as the males.  They have no red coloring.  It prefers to thrive in coniferous forests, especially spruce, pine, and fir. These red birds are also seen in the forested edges of open fields, meadows, ponds, streams, and marshes.

Pine Grosbeak

12. Masked Crimson Tanager

Masked Crimson Tanager is one of the black and red birds that was first described by German naturalist Johann Baptist von Spix in 1825.  The name of the bird species was derived from the Latin words niger “black”, and gularis “throated”.  The body length of bird species is between 18 to 19 cm and avarice wieght is between 27–36 grams. The male species can be identified with the black face, wings, mantle, belly, and tail, and is a bright red elsewhere in its plumage.

Masked Crimson Tanager

13. Crimson-collared Tanager

Crimson-collared Tanager ranges from southern Veracruz and northern Oaxaca in Mexico through the Atlantic slope of Central America, to the highlands of western Panama. The nest of the bird species is made from moss, rootlets, and strips of large leaves such as banana or Heliconia, and is placed at middle height in a tree at a forest edge.  The female species lay two eggs along with pale blue with blackish spots.

Crimson-collared Tanager

14. Red-breasted Chat

The Red-breasted Chat usually breeds in the wet season, from May to September. The nest of the bird species is made up of Spanish moss and other fibers lined with finer material. The clutch size of the nest is between two to four. Females species incubated the nests but both sexes provided food to nestlings.

Red-breasted Chat

15. Scarlet Robin

The Scarlet Robin is a territorial and monogamous species, that defends its nesting territories both from others of the same species and from pairs of the related flame robin.  Both male and female species participate in selecting the nesting site, however, female species construct the nest and the task will take between four to ten days.  The clutch size is between one and four eggs, with three being the average. The chick hatch after 14 to 18 days and is fed by both parents.

Scarlet Robin

16. Red Siskin

Red Siskin is listed as endangered by the IUCN Red List and is nationally critically endangered in Venezuela. The primary reason is the intense illegal trapping for the bird trade since the 1940s, however, the species also faces extensive habitat loss. They mostly thrive in the open country, forest edges, and grassland with trees or shrubs. The call of the female bird species is a high-pitched chitter and sharp chi-tit like the Indian silverbill and the male species song looks like a musical goldfinch-like melody with twitters and trills.

Red siskin

These are some of the black birds with the red chest in the world. Kindly share and post your comments.

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