10 Dinosaurs with a Crest on their Heads

The dinosaur is among the most successful warm-blooded animals of all time, and they have succeeded because of the shape of their pelvis, which makes them move quickly and is required for paper breathing. There are many specific dinosaurs with a crest on their heads. Here is the list:

Dinosaurs with a Crest on their Heads

1. Corythoraptor

Corythoraptor is one of the dinosaurs with a crest on the head that was there in the time period of the Campanian or Maastrichtian of the Cretaceous. The body length of these dinosaur species can grow up to 1.6 metres, and fossils have been extracted from the known locations of China, Guangdong Province, and the Nanxiong Formation. Talking about their appearance, they have a head crest similar to that of a modern-day cassowary. The beak is more pointed towards the end, suggesting feeding specialisation, and it can coexist with other similar dinosaurs because there are no competing food sources. 

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2. Dilophosaurus

Dilophosaurus is an early dinosaur species that was believed to have existed on earth between 199 and 189 million years ago. It is classified under the suborder Theropoda, and the fossils have been discovered in North America. Talking about appearance, the dinosaur species is large in size and can grow up to 6 to 7.5 metres, and its estimated weight is up to 500 to 600 kilos. The most unique feature of a dinosaur is the ridges present on its skull, which formed a large part of its head and were believed to be embellishments only. It is named after its conspicuous crests, and the word ‘lophos’ is a Greek word denoting ‘ridge’. It is one of the dinosaurs with a crest on their heads.

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3. Chirostentotes

Chirostentotes is among the early dinosaur species that lived in North America, and fossils have been found in Alberta and Canada during the late Cretaceous period, about 80 million years ago. The total length of the species is up to 9½ feet (2.9 metres) long and 3 feet (0.9 metres) tall at its hips, and the average weight is up to 110 pounds (50 kilograms). Talking about their appearance, they have a toothless beak, long arms with powerful claws, and a tall, rounded crest similar to that of the modern cassowary bird. The dietary habit is omnivorous in nature and feeds on small animals, eggs, insects, and some plant material.

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4. Monolophsaurus

Monolophsaurus is a medium-sized dinosaur species that comes from China and lived during the Jurassic period. It has a unique feature of a long, bony ridge that went from its nose back to the top of its head that was not seen in the other meat-eating dinosaurs. It is believed to have existed during the Jurassic period, and fossils have been found in places such as Xinjiang (China). The existence of Monolophosaurus dates from the Callovian Age to 163.5 million years ago. They reproduce by laying eggs, and as of now, only one specimen has been found by palaeontologists.

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5. Corythosaurus

The Corythosaurus is a dinosaur species that existed and walked on earth during the Upper Cretaceous Period in the regions of present-day North America. The fossils were discovered in the year 1911 in different regions of North America, such as Canada, the United States, and Montana. The fossils include ten skulls, several assorted bones, and fossilised skin that has a pebbly texture. It was first described in the year 1884 by the American palaeontologist Othniel Charles Marsh and then re-described in 1920 after the first discovery was made.

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6. Lambeosaurus

Lambeosaurus is a crested and duck-billed dinosaur that was believed to have existed between 76 and 75 million years ago (mya). The fossils have been found in the regions of Alberta (Canada), Montana (USA), and Baja California (Mexico), but only the two Canadian species have been described in detail. The body length of dinosaur species is up to 50 feet (15 m), and their average weight is up to 5.6 tons. The species was described in 1923 by Lawrence Lambe, an early Canadian fossil hunter who studied it.


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7. Spinosaurus

Spinosaurus is one of the biggest water dinosaurs that lived during the Middle Cretaceous period, approximately 93–100 million years ago. It is also known as a “spine lizard” because of its large and flat back spines and is also classified as a spinosaurid, which is a type of large, meat-eating dinosaur. They had a mouth similar to a crocodile’s and had straight teeth like knives, which was different from other carnivorous dinosaurs that had curved teeth. The dinosaur species was first discovered in 1915 by the German palaeontologist Ernst Stromer in Africa; however, the bones were destroyed by Allied bombs in 1944, during World War II.


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8. Parasaurolophus

Parasaurolophus is one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs that was believed to have lived in the Cretaceous Period. The body length of dinosaur species is up to 18 metres (59 feet) and up to 20 tons.  The primary diet might consist of fish, and they lived on both land and water, similar to crocodiles. The classification of the dinosaur species was Saurischia (lizard hips), and it had powerful jaws with straight teeth. The unique feature is the sail coming out of its back, which is made up of spike-shaped bones that were joined together by a layer of skin.

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9. Pterosaur

Pterosaur is also among the dinosaurs with a crest on the head that lived alongside the dinosaurs during the Mesozoic Era and papered around 220 MYA (million years ago) and went extinct during the Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction Event that was believed to have existed 66 MYA. Pterosaurs were believed to be the world’s first flying vertebrates and even the largest flying animals ever to have lived. The first specimen of Pterosaur was found in the year 1784 in the Solnhofen limestone of Bavaria, Germany.


10. Saurolophus

Saurolophus is a dinosaur species believed to have lived in the Cretaceous period and inhabited Asia and North America. The fossils have been collected from places such as Alberta (Canada), Colorado, and Bayankhongor (Mongolia). It is believed to have existed from 83.6 million years ago to 66 million years ago and was reproduced by laying eggs. Till now, 22 different specimens have been found by palaeontologists, and the dietary habit is believed to be herbivorous in nature.


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These are the 10 dinosaurs with a crest on their heads. Kindly share and post your comments.

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