10 Types Of Duck Billed Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs used to walk on Earth, and their fossils can be found across the world. It is believed that birds evolved from dinosaurs and are now considered modern feathered dinosaurs. Dinosaurs lived across all continents during the Mesozoic Era. Here is a list of 10 types of duck billed dinosaurs.

Duck billed dinosaurs

1. Parasaurolophus

Parasaurolophus is among the dinosaurs with a crest on their heads that belong to the large Late Cretaceous ornithopods that are known for their range of bizarre head adornments. These head adornments are used for communication and increased hearing.  Parasaurolophus means “near crested lizard,” which is derived from the Greek words para (“beside” or “near”), saurus (“lizard”), and lophos (“crest”). The average weight of dinosaur species is up to 2.5 tonnes (2.8 short tonnes), and the average running speed is up to 25 miles per hour. It is a plant eater, and its primary diet consists of leaves, twigs, and pine needles, which would imply that it is a browser.


2. Iguanodon

Iguanodon is among the fastest dinosaurs in the world and is classified under Ornithopoda. Almost all the species of iguanodon live in Europe; however, fossils have been found in Africa and North America as well. The name of the dinosaur species means ‘Iguana tooth’ and it lived in the early Cretaceous Period, around 125 million years ago. The dietary habits of these dinosaur species are herbivorous in nature, and their average weight is up to 3.5 tonnes and reaches around 10 metres (33 feet) in length. The largest collection of Iguanodon fossils was from a Belgian coal mine in 1878. 


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3. Bactrosaurus

Bactrosaurus is one of the duck-billed dinosaurs that lived in the Cretaceous period and inhabited Asia. The fossils have been collected from the regions of Batken Region (Kyrgyzstan), Ömnögovi (Mongolia), and Inner Mongolia (China). It is believed that the species existed in the Upper Cretaceous Epoch, approximately 66 million years ago. They prefer to thrive in a terrestrial habitat, and their primary diet is herbivorous in nature. These species reproduce by laying eggs, and till now, eight different specimens have been found by palaeontologists.


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4. Corythosaurus

Corythosaurus is among the dinosaurs with crests on their heads and belongs to the family Hadrosauridae. It can grow up to 33 feet long, with a height of around 7 feet at the hips, weighing approximately 5 tons. As per the research, it is said that these species are herbivores in nature and primarily consume plant materials from gingkos, conifers, pines, pine needles, seeds, magnolia leaves, cycads, and twigs. The name of the species comes from the special helmet it was given by Greek soldiers about 2700 years ago in Corinth, and the nostrils rose up through its crest.


5. Edmontonsaurus

Edmontonsaurus is one of the dinosaur species found in the Late Cretaceous period that inhabited North America. The fossils of the species were found in places such as Montana, Montana, and Colorado. These are vegetarian Hadrosaurs who were more duck-billed than most, with a face like a shovel at the end of a long neck. The species existed from the Coniacian Age to 66 million years ago and was believed to have lived in the canyon. They reproduce by laying eggs, and till now, 71 different specimens have been found by palaeontologists.


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6. Maiasaura

Maiasaura is a dinosaur species found in the Cretaceous period and mostly seen in North America. The fossils have been gathered from places such as Montana. It was named “The Good Mother” because there is evidence that she looked after her nest of eggs very well. These species existed from the Santonian Age to 70.6 million years ago, and their dietary habits are herbivorous in nature. As of now, seven different specimens have been found by palaeontologists and reproduced by laying eggs.


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7. Amurosaurus

Amurosaurus is one of the duck-billed dinosaurs that existed from the Maastrichtian Age to 66 million years ago and thrive in the regions of a terrestrial habitat. They reproduce by laying eggs, and as of now, one specimen has been found by paleontologists. These four-legged dinosaurs had a long neck and a small head. The exact size is not known but is believed to be approximately 15 metres (50 feet) long. It is said that they live in herds and feed on the low-lying vegetation.


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8. Tsingtaosaurus

Tsingtaosaurus is a dinosaur species that has a unicorn-like crest on its head, and hence it is listed as one of the duck-billed dinosaurs that is believed to have lived near lake shores. The species was named after the city of Tsingtao in Shandong Province, from which the fossils of the species were collected. It belongs to the family Hadrosauridae and has a large tail that will assist with swimming.


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9. Anatotian

The name Anatotian comes from a Greek word meaning giant duck, and its preferred habitat will be around the woodlands of North America. It is said to have thrived in the late Cretaceous period, approximately 65 to 70 million years ago. The body length is up to 40 feet, and the average weight is up to 5 tons. The dietary habit is herbivorous in nature, and it primarily feeds on plants. They are known for their large, broad, and flat bills.


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10. Saurolophus

Saurolophus dinosaurs appeared in the late Cretaceous period and were classified as herbivore species. The approximate length is between 30 and 40 feet (9 and 12 metres), and the average weight is up to 2 short tonnes (1.8 metric tonnes). The height of the dinosaur species is up to 15 feet (4.5 meters), and it can run at a speed of approximately 15-20 mph. The fossils have been collected from North America and Asia.


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These are the 10 types of duck-billed dinosaurs in the world. Kindly share and post your comments.

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