10 Animals That Crawl

Animals that crawl belong to the class of Reptilia and these species creep or crawl on the ground. The animals listed in this group have air-breathing vertebrates that have epidermal scales covering the different parts of their bodies. Here is the list,

Animals That Crawl

1. Komodo Dragon

The Komodo Dragon is one of the lizards that look like dragons and is only seen on four islands of Indonesia Komodo, Flores, Rinca, and Gili Motang. There are recent experiments that show reddish saliva contains 50 different types of bacteria. Only one bite induces blood poisoning of their prey. These apex predators fight among themselves, however, they are immune to bacteria from their saliva. The female species of Komodo dragon can produce eggs without partners and this type of reproduction is called asexual reproduction. It is one of the dumbest animals in the world.

Komodo Dragon

2. Anaconda

Anaconda is one of the strongest animals in the world and can be found in tropical rainforests, lakes, and swamps of South America. They can reach up to 30 feet long and avarage weight up to 550 pounds. Talking about their appearance, they are usually dark green along with 2 rows of black spots on their back and white marks on the sides. The primary diet of anaconda includes fish, turtles, caimans, capybaras, pigs, jaguars, and deer. The avarage lifespan of an Anaconda is between 10 to 12 years in the wild and up to 30 years in captivity.


3. Iguana

Iguanas are large lizards that can live upto 20 or more years in captivity. The body length can grow upto six feet, nose to tail tip. Half of my body length consists of a tail and adult male species can weigh upto nine pounds. The unique feature is that the species shed their skin and will continue to do so throughout life. The primary diet of iguanas includes leaves of trees and vines, plus some fruits and flowers.


Image Source: Wikimedia

4. King Cobra

King Cobra is one of the deadliest snakes in the world found in South and Southeast Asia. It is the longest venomous snake in the world that can grow between 3 to 4 m in length and the average weight is upto 6 kg. The male species of these biggest snakes in the world are larger than females which is an unusual trait among snakes whose females are usually larger than males. The average lifespan of a king cobra is upto 20 years in the wild. Talking about the appearance, the skin of the snake is either olive-green, tan, or black, and it has faint, pale yellow cross bands down the length of the body. The belly is approximately cream or pale yellow, and the scales are smooth.

King Cobra

5. Sidewinder Rattlesnake

Sidewinder Rattlesnake is one of the snakes with horns found in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. These are terrestrial snakes that become nocturnal during hot months and become diurnal during the cooler months that last between November to March. They spend most of the time in rodent burrows and the rest of the time in coiled up partially buried in the sand waiting on prey. Sidewinder Rattlesnake is venomous, however, it is weaker than venom than many other rattlesnakes. The primary diet includes mice and rats, but also lizards, snakes, and birds.

Sidewinder Rattlesnake

6. Armadillo

Armadillo is one of the animals that crawl and there are 21 species of armored placental mammal native mainly to tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America. These animals with toughest animals have a body length of between 5.1 to 59 inches and the average weight is between 0.19 to 119 lb. The avarage lifespan of Armadillo is between 12 to 15 years in the wild. The primary diet includes Insects and grubs The natural predator of Armadillo includes Wild cats and canids, black bears, and raccoons.

Armadillo Girdled Lizard

7. Chameleon

The chameleon is one of the camouflaged animals found mostly in Madagascar, Africa, southern Europe, south Asia, and Sri Lanka. They have good eyesight and can detect small insects that are 5 to 10 meters away. The best-known feature of chameleons is the ability to change the color of the skin to blend with its environment which refers to the mood change of the chameleon species. The primary diet of Chameleon includes locusts, grasshoppers, crickets, mantis and stick insects.


8. Salamander

Salamander is a type of amphibian and one of the popular animals that crawl found in the northern hemisphere, in the wet areas near lakes and ponds. The size of the species varies size and Minute salamander is the smallest salamander that can reach upto 1.1 inches in length. The largest salamander is the Chinese giant salamander that can reach upto 6 feet in length and weighs up to 140 pounds. Almost, all salamanders are born from eggs without a hard shell that is laid in the water.


9. Sea Turtle

Sea turtles are the animals that crawl and belong to the superfamily Chelonioidea. It is also known as marine turtles that belong to the order Testudines and the suborder Cryptodira. As of now, seven species of sea turtles are known such as flatback, green, hawksbill, leatherback, loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley, and olive ridley. These species are categorized as hard-shelled or leathery-shelled (dermochelyid). The dietary habit is omnivorous and feeds on a variety of plant and animal life including decapods, seagrasses, seaweed, sponges, mollusks, cnidarians, Echinoderms, worms, and fish.

Sea turtles

10. Land Hermit Crab

Land Hermit Crab is one of the animals that crawl that prefers to thrive close to the shoreline and must have access to both land and water. These types of crabs live in large colonies of 100 or more animals where they often sleep piled up together and can even collaborate in teams to find food. The dietary habit of land hermit crab is omnivores in nature and feeds on plant and animal matter, however, in captivity the diet is based on commercial food supplemented with a variety of fresh foods and treats.

Hermit Crabs

These are the 10 types of animals that crawl. Kindly share and post your comments.

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