20 Apex Predators in the World

Apex predators are the scariest yet the most enthralling creatures accessible on the planet. Apex approaches from the Latin word which signifies top. So, apex predators are the species that are at the crest of the food chain, and no natural predators are there in the atmosphere i.e. these creatures have no natural adversaries. We will discuss some of the apex predators in the world.

Apex predators are moreover acknowledged as alpha predators. Apex predators play a substantial role in the ecosystem. They keep a check on the prey populations and uphold the ecosystem balance. But as the apex predators are not eradicated by any other forest animals, they are not secure and sound for human beings. Let me enlighten a few attention-grabbing specifics about various recognized apex predators,

Apex Predators in the World

1. Polar Bear

The stunning Polar bears are the leading carnivores on the Earth pondering around 720 Kg and lengths of about 7-10 feet. Polar bears are one of the bear species typically found in the islands, seas in the Arctic Circle, and the vast icebergs. Polar bears are small ears animals, brawny swimmers and fritters major of their life on seas. These tundra animals can cover up to around 63 miles in the Arctic Sea with the assistance of their potent paws. The lone adversaries of Polar Bears are humans. But keep in mind that Polar bears can kill you with the assistance of their powerful paws.

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Polar Bear

2. Komodo Dragon

The Komodo dragon is the most popular lizard that looks like a dragon on earth and one of the amazing animals that start with K. Komodo Dragons are the largest lizards in the world and are belived to have existed on the planet for millions of years. The animal species was discovered by humans 100 years ago when a plane accidentally landed on the island. The name of the species is after the name of the island which is Komodo Island. The avarage lifespan of the species is more than 30 years in the wild, however, only a few years in captivity. It is also listed as one of the dumbest animals in the world.

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Komodo Dragon

3. Lion

As we all are familiar the lion is recognized as the King of the Jungle. The lion is the bravura animal found in Northern India and parts of Eurasia. Lion weighs up around 225 Kg and measures about 5 ft – 8 ft in length. Lions are associated with a family of cats called Felidae. Lions normally reside in groups called pride.

A sole pride can have about 10 – 45 members. Lions generally favor cooperative hunting. With the assistance of this practice, huge prey like buffaloes, hippos, deer, and giraffes can be effortlessly killed. The lone menace for lions is humans. Never-ending hunting and habitat loss is the reason for a massive reduction in the population of lions.

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4. Killer Whale (Orca)

The killer whale is one of the strongest sea animals in the world and belongs to the oceanic dolphin family. It is also known as the orca whale the blackfish or the grampus. The whale species can be seen in every ocean from the Antarctic and Arctic to the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. It is also one of the fastest sea creatures which can travel at speeds of 30 miles per hour. It is also one of the most amazing aquatic animals in the world.

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Killer Whale

Image Source: Wikipedia

5. Salt Water Crocodile

It is the chief living reptile in the world weighing around 1000 Kg and can grow up to 5 meters. Saltwater crocodiles are frequently found in lakes, and rivers of Australia, Malaysia, India, and Thailand. These crocodiles can stay inundated in water because their eyes and nostrils are on top of their heads. Their webbed feet and tails lend a hand to them in swimming. Every time the prey reaches, these crocodiles make an unassailable attack with the clasp of their jaws. Their diet consists of buffaloes, birds, monkeys, fishes, etc.

Salt Water Crocodile

6. Burmese Python

Burmese Python is one of the animals with spots that grow as long as 4 meters and weigh around 14-75 Kg. The biggest snakes in the world are found in woodlands and jungles in Tropical regions of Southern Asia. Python is an eminent venomous snake that fetches into play a primeval prey assassination technique. It can engulf animals several times greater than its size. Burmese Python is familiar with its enthralling coloring. Its anticipated life is about 20 years. The girth of Burmese Python is as hefty as a telephone pole. It can gulp down its quarry entirely.

Burmese Python

Image Source: Florida Fish and Wildlife

7. Snow Leopard

Snow Leopard is a tremendously astonishing fluffy animal found in Central Asia. The snow leopard is typically 86-125 cm long and is smoky grey to yellowish tan in color. The snow leopard is acknowledged for their chunky grey hair which provides them faultless heat balance in every season. It can cover up to a distance of 15 meters in a sole leap with the aid of its paws. It is so prevailing that they can even slaughter animals that are superior in size.

Snow Leopard

8. Golden Eagle

The leading bird of North America is the Golden Eagle one of the world’s largest eagles based on mass, length, and wingspan. It weighs around 7 Kg and is 26-40 inches in length and is generally black to brown. These are found in Asia, Africa, Europe, Mexico, and other continents. With the assistance of prolonged wings, golden eagles can slither high in the sky and make quick dives. Golden Eagles have exceptional eyesight which helps them to spot minute quarry from the enormous altitude. Golden Eagles generally nourish tiny mammals, minute fishes, insects, etc.

Golden Eagle

9. Great White Shark

White sharks are fish with big teeth weighing around 2.6 tons and about 4-6 meters long. These are the prevalent predatory fish on the earth. White sharks have 300 sharp triangular teeth which are engaged in poaching. The usual lifespan of sharks is 70 years or more. White Shark also has a meticulous organ to intellect electromagnetic fields created by animals.

Great white sharks can cover up to 15 miles per hour with the assistance of the dominant tail. It generally nourishes sea lions, whales, seals, and humans. Sharks frequently liberate the human body after biting but these bites can source excess blood loss and sooner or later show the way to death. Humans’ interface is a peril to the species when it is fortuitously trapped in fishing nets and afterward, its jaws and fins are vented for substantial money.

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Great White Shark

Image Source: Wikipedia

10. Tiger

Tiger is one of the amazing forest animals that is belived to have existed since 2 million years ago on planet Earth. Tiger is an endangered animal species because the population has shrunk by nearly 95% over the last 150 years. India is the only country in the world with the largest population across the world with a number more than 3000.

They have soft toe pads that allow them to walk silently through their habitat. Tigers primarily hunt deer but it is also considered opportunistic predators it has been seen hunting wild boars, birds, fish, rodents, amphibians, reptiles, and even insects. The body of the tiger has one of the best types of animal patterns in the world.


11. Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear is a subspecies of brown bear and is belived to be originated from Europe and Asia, however, now they can be seen in North America and Canada. Talking about their appearance, they have brown fur, however, hairs on the shoulders and back have white tops that give them a “grizzled” look and hence the name.

The bear species can be recognized by the hump on their back and which is made up of muscles. The species used to communicate with the help of growls, roars, and snorts among each other. The avarage lifespan of a Grizzly bear is 30 years in the wild and up to 40 years in captivity.

Grizzly bear

12. Dingo

Dingo is an Australian wild dog, however, it is believed to have originated in Southeast Asia. It can grow between 3.5 to 4 feet in length and its average weight is between 22 to 33 pounds. The tail of the dog species is between 12 to 13 inches long. Talking about its appearance, the fur is reddish-brown and covered with white markings.

The dingo species that live in forests have darker fur compared to dingo species that live in arid areas where they have lighter fur. They used to communicate with each other with the help of howls, urine marks, and the rubbing of scent. The avarage lifespan of a Dingo is between 5 to 6 years in the wild and up to 15 years in captivity.


13. Tasmanian Devil

The Tasmanian devil is the largest marsupial carnivore in the world and can be only seen on the island of Tasmania (Australia). These species look like dogs of medium size where they can reach up to 30 inches in length and up to 26 pounds in weight. Talking about its appearance, it is covered with black fur and white patches on the chest, shoulders, and rump. Tasmanian Devil has one of the strongest bites in the animal world and they can even bite through the metal trap. The avarage lifespan of Tasmanian devils is between 7 and 8 years in the wild.

Tasmanian Devil

14. Leopard Seal

Leopard Seal is the second largest species of seal followed by the elephant seal. These animals of the polar regions belong to the family of earless seals and can be seen near the coasts of South America, South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia. The seals can grow between 10 to 11.5 feet in length and between 440 to 1.320 pounds in weight. Talking about their appearance, they have silver grey or dark grey skin on the back and the front side of the body with whitish silver skin. The black spots on the body resemble the spots on a leopard’s body hence the name. The avarage lifespan of the Leopard seal is upto 25 years in the wild.

Leopard Seal

15. Fossa

The fossa is a cat-like creature and is closely related to the mongoose family. They are seen in the tropical rainforests of Madagascar and are also considered one of the largest apex predators because it does not have any natural enemy, however, because of extreme deforestation, Fossa is now listed as an endangered species and approximately 2500 animals are left in the wild. It is also listed as one of the coolest animals in the world.

Talking about their appearance, they have black, brown, or red fur and long slender bodies. They are closely related to mongooses with characteristic features like round ears, large eyes, and a short snout with long whiskers. The avarage lifespan of Fossa is not much in the wild and can live upto 20 years in captivity.


16. Harpy Eagle

Harpy Eagle is one of the apex predators in the world and can be seen in Central and South America. It can grow between 34 to 42 inches in length and its average weight is between 8.8 to 20 pounds. Talking about its appearance, it can grow between 34 to 42 inches in length and its avarage wieght is between 8.8 to 20 pounds. The total wingspan of a harpy eagle has a wingspan between 69 to 88 inches. The harpy eagle is a diurnal animal that is active during the day and has an avarage lifespan between 25 to 35 years in the wild.

Harpy Eagle

Image Source: cuatrok77

17. Bald Eagle

The bald eagle belongs is one of the graceful animals that belongs to the scientific grouping of eagles also known as sea eagles or fish eagles. The North American bird range extends from the Mexico border through the United States and Canada. The avarage lifespan of the bald eagle is around 20 years in the wild, however, in captivity the lifespan is much longer and can go upto 50 years. The body length is between 70 to 102 centimeters and the total wingspan is between 1.8 to 2.3 meters. The Bald Eagle is the national symbol of the United States since 1782.

Bald Eagle

18. Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis is one of the top apex predators for insects and can easily take down beetles, crickets, flies, bees, wasps, and even lizards and frogs with the help of speed and voracious appetite. As of now, 1,800 species of praying mantids exist around the world and prefer to thrive in tropical and subtropical latitudes. Depending on the species, the body length is between 2.5 to 15 centimeters and the most eye-catching feature of the praying mantis is its front legs. The avarage lifespan of a praying mantis also depends on the species and can only live up to one year. 

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Praying Mantis

19. Black Widow

The Black Widow is one of the important apex predators and the only known predator is the mud-dauber wasp. It preys on insects, woodlice, and beetles and prefers habitats in urban, temperate forests and woodland. Researchers said that the web of the black widow spider is stronger thanks to teel and scientists actively study the spider’s weaving silks in the hopes of replicating it for infrastructure projects. They don’t live long lives where males typically expire in months and only some lucky female species can make up to the age of three.

Black Widow

Image Source: Wikipedia

20. Wolf

Wolf is the largest member of the dog family and is seen in regions of North America, Eurasia, and North Africa. The size depends on the size larger wolves can weigh upto 175 pounds and smaller wolves can weigh upto 30 pounds. The fur color of a wolf can be white, black, or grey. They are one of the apex predators that do not have natural enemies. The dietary habit is carnivorous and feeds on goats, sheep, deer, moose, and other larger and smaller prey. The avarage lifespan of a Wolf is 13 years in the wild and up to 16 years in captivity.


These are the amazing apex predators in the world. Kindly share and post your comments.

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