10 Interesting White Ants Facts

White Ant

White Ant

The nickname ‘white ant’ is applied to some termites but it is incorrect since a true ant can not be a termite. The term white ant can be referred to as the pupae of ants, these ants can be seen when you disturb an ant nest and the inhabitants grab their eggs and pupae or it is also another name given to the termite because of the way termites look. The avarage termites that we see in our home are usually very close to a white color, however, the color of the termites varies depending on the diet. For example, dark colored timber such as redwood will have dark color termites whereas light-colored timber like pine will not change the color of the termite so much. Here are some of the interesting white ants facts,

White Ants Facts

White Ants

Image Source:DraconianRain

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These are some of the differences and interesting facts about white ants or termites. Kindly share and do post your comments.

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