16 Different Types Of Brown Birds In The World

Brown-colored birds are one of the most common birds that mostly belong to families of sparrows, thrashers, creepers, eagles, and hawks. Here is a list of 16 different types of brown birds in the world.

Types Of Brown Birds In The World

1. Brown Keeper

The brown keeper is a  tiny songbird that crawls up tree trunks, foraging for insect eggs and other food missed by more active birds. They are mostly seen throughout North America, from northern Nicaragua up to Canada, Alaska, and Newfoundland. The Bird species is diurnal and prefers to fly short distances between trees. The female brown keeper will take between 1 to 4 weeks to construct a nest made with twigs, conifer needles, mosses, and silk from spider webs. It is also listed as one of the small birds with long beaks.

Brown Creeper

2. Brown Jay

The brown jay is one of the beautiful brown birds that ranges from  Mexico south into Central America on the Gulf slope.  The plumage of brown jays varies geographically where Northern birds are almost completely dark brown with light brown underparts, however, southern birds, are white-bellied and have bright white tips to the outer tail feathers.  The dietary habit is omnivorous in nature and feeds on a variety of insects, also spiders, small lizards, rodents, eggs, and nestlings of smaller birds. 

Brown Jay

Image Source: Wikimedia

3. Eurasian skylark

The Eurasian skylark is a passerine bird that belongs to the family Alaudidae. The body length ranges between 18 to 19 cm in length and the average weight is between 17 to 55 grams. The avarage lifespan of Eurasian skylarks is between 4 to 10 years. The species can be seen across Europe and the Palearctic with introduced populations in New Zealand, Australia, and the Hawaiian Islands. They are diurnal birds who walk over the ground searching for food on the soil surface.  The primary diet consists of insects and plant material such as seeds and young leaves.

Eurasian skylark.

4. Tree Pipit

The tree pipit is a small passerine bird that mostly breeds across most of Europe and the Palearctic as far East as the East Siberian Mountains.  The primary diet consists of small invertebrates, however, they also feed on plant matter, especially berries, in autumn. The body length of the tree pipit is upto 15 cm and the wieght is between 20 to 25 grams. The avarage lifespan of tree pipit is between 1 to 5 years in the wild.

Tree Pipit

Image Source: Wikimedia

5. American Tree Sparrow

The American tree sparrow is one the most stunning brown birds in the world that has round bodies and long tails. Both male and female species look similar comparing their brown cap, plain gray bodies, and recognizable dot on their chest. The bird species mostly breeds in throughout Alaska or the far north areas and is also seen in southern Canada and the northern US during winter. The body length is upto 5.5 inches and the average weight is between 0.5 to 1.0 oz. The avarage lifespan of an American tree sparrow is upto 3 years in the wild.

American Tree Sparrow

6. Brown Thrasher

The Brown thrasher is a large songbird that belongs to the family of New World catbirds and mockingbirds.  The body length is between 23 to 30 cm and the average weight is between 61 to 89 grams. The dietary habit is omnivores and it feeds on insects, berries, nuts, and seeds, as well as earthworms, snails, and sometimes lizards, salamanders, small or young snakes, and frogs. The avarage lifespan of a brown thrasher is between 12 to 14 years in the wild. It is also listed as one of the brown animals in the world.

Brown Thrasher

7. House Wren

House wren are tinny brown birds known to use all kinds of materials to build their nests such as paper clips, wires, staples, tacks, nails, hooks, fasteners, and bobby pins. The body size of house wren ranges between 4.3 to 5.1 inches and the average weight is between 0.35 and 0.42 ounces. The avarage lifespan of house wren is up to 7 years in the wild. The primary diet consists of insects. The natural predators include Cats, rats, opossums, birds of prey, raccoons, squirrels, snakes, and woodpeckers. It is also listed as one of the small birds with long beaks in the world.

House Wren

8. Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owls are one of the types of owls in Southern California that are nocturnal raptors known for their strength and stealthy nature. They breed in the regions of northern Alaska to the tip of Tierra del Fuego. The habitat of popular owls in Washington State consists of trees or woodlots bordering open fields in agricultural areas, however, they can be seen in cities as well utilizing parks, residential areas, and industrial developments. The primary diet consists of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. The avarage lifespan of a great horned owl is between 5 to 12 years in the wild. It is also listed as one of the most popular owls in Illinois.

Great Horned Owl

9. Song Sparrow

The song sparrow is a medium-sized bird and is considered one of the most abundant and adaptable species in the world. The body size is between men 11 to 18 cm in length and the average weight is between 12 to 53 grams. The dietary habit is carnivores and herbivores in nature and feeds on insects, seeds, and fruits. The avarage lifespan of a song sparrow is upto 11 years. They are generally solitary and highly territorial birds, however, during the winter season they gather in loose flocks.

Song Sparrow

Image Source: Wikimedia

10. Veery

The veery is a small North American thrush species and belongs to the family Turdidae. The body length is between 16 to 19.5 cm in length and the wieght is between 26 to 39 grams. The avarage lifespan of Veery birds is upto 10 years. The name of the bird comes from call and its specific name fuscescens is New Latin for “blackish”. Veeries are one of the secretive birds that are often heard but rarely seen in nature. They are also monogamous birds usually seen in pairs and can raise one brood per season. 


Image Source: Wikimedia

11. Wood thrush

The Wood thrush’s scientific name is Hylocichla mustelina which belongs to the family of Turdidae. The body length of bird species is between 18 to 22 cm in length and the average weight is between 48 to 72 grams. The bird species is closely related to other thrush species such as as the American robin and all of them are distributed across North America. The avarage lifespan of the wood thrush is upto 9 years in the wild. The dietary habit is omnivores in nature and feeds on invertebrates, larvae, and fruits in the late summer, fall, and late winter. The young ones are fed on insects and some fruit.

Wood thrush

Image Source: Wikimedia

12. Red-tailed hawk

The red-tailed hawk is one of the types of hawk species that belongs to the family Accipitridae. These species are diurnal and will soar above their territory, usually on clear days, keeping a lookout for intruders. The nest building is preferred on wooded fence rows at the edge of forests, or in large trees within open areas. The dietary habit of hawk species is carnivores in nature and feeds on voles, rats, ground squirrels and rabbits, birds, and reptiles, especially snakes, bats, frogs, toads, and insects.  The mating habit is monogamous in nature and they stay with the same partner for many years. 

Red-tailed Hawk

13. Eastern whip-poor-will

Eastern whip-poor-will is one of the birds chirping at night that is characterized by its long wings, short legs, and very short bills.  The adult species have a mottled plumage, however, the upperparts can be in grey, black, and brown in color. The lower part of the bird species are grey and black in color. The male species of Eastern whip-poor-will can be identified by a white patch below the throat and white tips on the outer tail feathers, however, the female species parts are light brown in color.

Eastern whip-poor-will

14. Ovenbird

The ovenbird is one of the most beautiful types of brown birds in the world and belongs to the family Parulidae. These bird species are often consumed by the untrained for a thrush. The body length is between 11 to 16 cm in length and average Dwight is between 14 to 29 grams. They are found in across Canada and the eastern United States and prefer to forage in deciduous and mixed forests. The primary diet includes ants, beetles, caterpillars, flies, and snails. During the winter season, they feed on fruits. The avarage lifespan of an ovenbird is upto 9 years in the wild.


Image Source: Wikimedia

15. Brown shrike

The brown shrike is one of the small grey birds with white bellies in the world that have a characteristic black bandit mask running through the eye. The bird species breeds in northern Asia and winter in Southern Asia. They can be seen all over India except the high Himalayas and the desert. Both males and females take part in the nest to lay around 4 to 6 eggs and the incubation period is between 12 to 14 days. There are instances where nests are sometimes parasitized and taken over by cuckoos.

Brown Shrike

16. Cedar waxwing

The Cedar waxwing’s scientific name is Bombycilla cedrorum which belongs to the family Bombycillidae. The body length is between 15 to 18 cm in length and the average weight is upto 30 grams. The avarage lifespan of cedar warming is between 7 to 8 years in the world. The bird species are named after wax-like wingtips. It is one of the beautiful types of brown birds in the world.

The bird species breeds in southern Canada and winter in the southern half of the United States, Central America, and the far northwest of South America.  The dietary habit is herbivores and carnivores in nature and feeds on berries and sugary fruit year-round, including dogwood, strawberry, mulberry, raspberry, serviceberry, cedar, juniper, hawthorn, and winterberry. 

Cedar waxwing

These are the 16 different types of brown birds in the world. Kindly share and post your comments.

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