10 Incredible Green Animals In The World

Mother Nature has gifted each animal species its own coloration that can be used for different purpose such as to protect them from predators, to attract mates and provide camouflaging, Here is the list of green animals in the world,

Green Animals

1. Tree Frog

Tree frog is one of the green animals that is also capable to change skin color in the range of green, gray, brown, and yellow hues that depends on the mood. These frogs species have an additional eyelid that veils their eyes. The frog species preys and feeds on insects, worms and small frogs. The avarage lifespan of tree frog is between 2 to 4 years in the wild. The natural predators includes birds, mammals and reptiles. This species of frog spend most of the time in trees and there are many species of tree frogs in several different families.

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Tree Frog

2. Emerald tree boa

Emerald tree boa scirntific name is Corallus caninus is a non-venomous boa species mostly seen in the  rainforests of South America.  The total length of snake species is upto 2 meters and avarage wieght is between 400 to 600 grams. Talking about its appearance, they look similar to the green tree python where almost color is bright green with a yellow underside.

They have a strong prehensile tail  that helps them to move along the branches of the trees and vertical pupils of their eyes help them sense movement. The other unique feature is deep hollows situated near the mouth that helps them  to detect heat emitted by their prey. The avarage lifespan of emerald tree boa is upto 20 years in the wild.

Emerald tree boa

3. Eastern green mamba

The Eastern green mamba scientific name is Dendroaspis angusticeps is a one of the highly venomous snakes found in the coastal regions of southern East Africa. The snake species was first described by the Scottish surgeon and zoologist Andrew Smith in 1849. Talking about its appearance, it is a large snake that has a compressed and slender body with a medium to long tapering tail. The head of the snake is narrow, elongated, and coffin-shaped along with a different canthus which is slightly distinct from the neck.  The avarage lifespan of Eastern green mamba is between 14 to 18 years in the wild. The dietary habit is carnivorous in nature and feeds on birds and their eggs as well as small mammals including bats. 

Eastern green mamba

Image Source: Wikimedia

4. Luna moth

Luna moth scientific name is Actias luna that belongs to the family of Saturniidae (giant silkworm and royal moths). The adult luna moth species is almost green in color along with dark leading edge on the forewings and tapering tail on the hindwings. All the four wings has an eyespot and the antennae is particularly on males and they are feathery too. The primary diet of luna moth includes walnuts, hickories, pecan, persimmon, sweet gum, and sumacs. The avarage lifespan of luna moth is upto 1 week and female species die after depositing their eggs.

Luna moth

5. Green Stink Bug

The green stink bug scientifically known as Chinavia halaris is a common encountered pest of seeds, grain, nuts and fruit  mostly seen across North America. The species is considered to be highly polyphagous that damages host plants through feeding.These green animals can travel long distances in search of food and the bugs are most often clumped around host plants in the optimum stage of development. The bug species is distributed across eastern North America, from Quebec and New England west.

Green Stink Bug

6. Great green bush-cricket

The Green Bush Cricket is one of the amazing species of cricket that are harmless to humans. The population of the animal species is stable, however, many species that are potential threats to existence because of climate change and habitat loss. The males species of green bush cricket can reach upto 1.4 in (3.6 cm) in length, however, females species can go upto 1.7 inches (4.3 cm). These species are evolved and endemic to to a range extending from Mongolia to Europe and mostly seen at an elevation of 5,900 ft (1,800 m).

Great green bush-cricket

7. Green iguana

Green iguana also known as common or American iguana and are the largest species lizards native to central and South America. Iguanas are diurnal which means they are active during the day and prefer rest in night. These green animals do very well in water and are excellent swimmers since they can swim in both  saltwater and freshwater. The avarage lifespan of green iguana is upto 9 years in the wild and it will go to 20 years in captivity. They have a unique third eye on the top of their heads, however, it does carry some anatomical characteristics of their normal eyes.

Green iguana

8. Green-and-gold tanager

The green and gold tanager is a bird species that belongs to the family of the the tanagers known as Thraupidae. They are found in western and central Amazon Basin in eastern Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, central Bolivia, and northwestern Brazil, however, natural habitat includes subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical swamps. The primary diet includes fruits (mostly berries) and insects. The avarage lifespan of green-and gold tanager in the wild is know known, however, in captivity it is between 1 to 15 years.

Green-and-gold tanager

Image Source: Francesco

9. Green broadbill

The green broadbill also known as the lesser green broadbill is a bird species that belongs to family Calyptomenidae. It was initially classified in the family Eurylaimidae which consist of closely related birds that share the name “broadbill”. The body length is upto 17 cm in length and aavarage wieght is between 43 to 73 grams. The avarage lifespan of green broadbill is between 6 to 19 years in the wild. The bird species can be easily identified with the help of vibrant green plumage, however, male and female species looks different. The primary diet of green broadbill includes fruits, vegetables and figs.

Green broadbill

Image Source: Wikimedia

10. Leaf slug

Leaf slug are one of the beautiful green animals that does look real for sure. The scientific name of the species is Costasiella kuroshimae and they are considered as species of sea slug. It is also known as leaf sheep, however, neither it is leaves nor sheep. They only reach one fourth of the size or max 5mm long.  They exhibit plant like characteristic where they can perform the process of photosynthesis. The primary diet of leaf slug is sea algae.

Leaf slug

Image Source: Ria Tan

These are the top 10 green animals in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.

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