10 Different Types Of Dragons In The World

If we were to explore all of the mythological dragons, it might take some time to learn about the many kinds of dragons. However, they are really intriguing to read about, so it’s worth it nonetheless. To start, what exactly is a dragon? And did they actually exist in the real world? The various species of dragons known to man will be listed on this page along with some frequently asked questions concerning them. A dragon might opt to be the source of all evil or friendly. However, a lot depends on the dragon’s place of origin. In many dragon legends, a man (often a knight) kills a dragon because of its evil nature. Besides, some other governments portray them as illuminating beacons that shield people in positions of power. Let’s have a look at the different types of dragons.

Different Types Of Dragons In The World

1. Salamander Dragon

The very first sort of dragon on our list is the salamander. These dragons are European in origin. They lack the ability to fly and have leathery skin that can endure fire. Because of their representation of rebirth (immortality) and passion, salamanders have the nickname “fire within.” Alchemists utilized the dragon as a representation of fire because of its connection to fire. In order to symbolize their tenacity in the face of flames, firefighters also adopt the salamander dragon as their logo.

Some villagers who stacked logs over the winter are thought to be the source of the salamander dragon mythology. The actual salamanders that were hibernating would be sound asleep within some of the logs that the people used to build a fire. Salamanders would erupt in flames and run screaming from the fire pit as a result.

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Salamander Dragon

Image Source: Wikimedia

2. Knucker Dragon

Knucker dragons reside in a ground-level pit. Actually, the name “knucker” is an Old English word that means “water monster.” According to ancient folklore, they can be discovered in the knuckerholes that can be found all around Sussex, England. According to legend, knuckerholes are large, water-filled pits that are so deep that bell towers could sink in them. According to folklore, the knucker dragon is a 30-foot-long serpent with tiny wings.

Knucker dragons were once described as having small heads and leathery skin. Additionally, they are available in three hues: brown, green, and red. A knucker dragon’s diet consists of fish, livestock, and farm animals. Knucker dragons, however, also preyed on little kids who got lost. They are estimated to live for up to 1,200 years.

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Knucker Dragon

Image Source: Wikimedia

3. Lung Dragon

The most well-known variety of Eastern dragons is the lung dragon, often known as the Chinese dragon or Oriental dragon. Chinese dragon bones were actually fossilized dinosaur bones, as we’ve already discussed. Stegosaurus bones and the earliest sauropods from Asia would be included in this collection of fossilized dinosaur bones.

These dinosaur skeletons also resembled the lung dragon’s long, slender forms. Lung dragons are long, four-legged serpentiform reptiles. They have huge eyes and lengthy hair on the sides of their faces. Dragons were utilized in imperial China as signs of good fortune. They are dispersed everywhere and, with all their might, they guard the Forbidden Palace. Lung dragons are one type of Chinese dragon, though there are others as well. Chinese folklore describes dragons with horns, fins, and even a turtle dragon.

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Lung Dragon

Image Source: Dragongirl

4. Western Dragon

Western dragons fit the mold of traditional fire dragon myths. They have two big pairs of wings, two pairs of long, sharp claws, and six limbs. Western dragons have fire breath, as shown in numerous folktales and contemporary fantasy books. Western dragons were frequently depicted in paintings and tales by European dragons. These dragons are frequently confused for wyverns, which have four rather than six limbs. Studies on different kinds of dragons frequently refer to the Western dragon as “the true dragon.” Western dragons are portrayed as being the most powerful of all dragons, which is further explained by dragonology.

Western Dragon

Image Source: Wikimedia

5. Wyrm Dragon

Wyrm dragons, which lack legs, are found in European nations. They are known by a moniker that translates to “dragon.” The term “wyrm” is only applied to dragons with worm-like bodies that dwell on land as opposed to water. Wyrms are predatory, carnivorous creatures that can target people. Additionally, they favor caverns that have sources of water. These dragons have a preference for fire and water, and their breath is harmful. They can even regenerate amputated limbs.

Wyrm dragon

Image Source: Wikipedia

6. Pyrausta Dragon

The tiniest type of dragon is called Pyrausta Dragon, often referred to as Faerie Dragons or Fae Dragons. The pyrausta dragons are thought to have been invented by the Cypriots. In contrast to other dragons, which resemble reptiles and serpents, pyrausta dragons resemble a different kind of insect. Pyrausta dragons have four limbs, huge black eyes, and wings that resemble moth and butterfly designs. Similar to the pyraustas, salamanders are fire creatures. When a pyrausta deviates too far from the flames, they perish. They inhabited Cyprus’s furnaces because of this.

Pyrausta Dragon

Image Source: pinterest

7. Lindwurm Dragon

With the exception of possessing two limbs, lindwurms, commonly referred to as white worm dragons, are similar to wyrms. In the eleventh century, lindwurms were a popular addition to Swedish runestones. They are also shown to have scaly skin and serpentine bodies. The woolly rhinoceros’ bone remains were also the inspiration for the lindwurm’s design on the statue of the lindwurm fountain. The lindwurm is characterized as moving more like a mole lizard while having two legs and may even have consumed corpses.

Lindwurm Dragon

Image Source: Wikipedia

8. Leviathan Dragon

An additional variety of sea dragons are leviathans. These beings have a demonic appearance and are recognized as chaos agents. Leviathans are shown by artists as having one strong tail, multiple wings or fins, and the ability to breathe underwater. Even the Bible and the Tanakh contain references to Leviathans. They can therefore be found in the Christian and Jewish faiths. The ensuing demise of leviathans at the hands of a hero or god is a recurring subject. The Leviathan is purported to be so big that it could completely encircle the planet. They could have various names, but they all have the same basic plot. Sea dragons are categorized as leviathans in this way.

Leviathan Dragon

Image Source: Wikimedia

9. Sea Serpent Dragon

The depths of the ocean are home to the fabled sea serpent, a form of water dragon. They can also be referred to as water dragons and are one of the most popular types of dragons in the world. Sea serpents have long, slender bodies that resemble snakes and are wingless. They are also the most common kind of dragon, found throughout Asia Europe, and North America. Few people have lived after coming into contact with a purported sea serpent because they are often enormous. There have been reports of sightings since the time of the Ancient Greek sailor Poseidonus, who described the serpents as lengthy, large-scaled monsters with gigantic mouths. Hans Egede, a Greenlandic saint, reported seeing something else.

Sea Serpent Dragon

Image Source: Wikimedia

10. Zilant Dragon

One of the uncommon types of dragons that few people are aware of is the zilant dragon. Dragons known as zilant are also Russian in origin, much like zmey dragons. Zilant dragons, however, stand in for Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. Although it is rare, it is frequently mentioned in the city’s founding stories. Zilants are described as a hybrid between a wyvern and a western dragon. They have two wings and two limbs, making them a winged creature with four limbs. The zilant dragons, in contrast to other dragons, had a bird’s body, a dragon’s head, chicken-like limbs, pointed teeth, red wings, dog-like ears, scaly dark-grey skin, and dark-grey feathers.

Zilant Dragon

Image Source: Wikimedia

There are 10 different types of dragons in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.

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