10 Colourful Turtles

Turtles are reptiles that are known for thier hard shell for protection. They can be all across the world and spend most of their lives in the water. These turtle species come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Here is the list of 10 types of colourful turtles in the world,

Colourful Turtles

1. Spotted Pond Turtle

Spotted pond turtle’s scientific name is Eoclemys Hamiltonii is named after the yellow or white spots on its black head, legs, and tails. They have a large head along with short snouts and webbed feet that help them in swimming. The common names of spotted pond turtles include Black Pond Turtle, Black Spotted Turtle, or Hamilton’s Terrapin, and used to bask in the sun to regulate body temperature. These colourful turtle species are mostly seen in the deep rivers in India, Assam, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The dietary habit is carnivorous in nature and feeds on aquatic invertebrates.

Also Read: 10 Colourful Snails

Spotted Pond Turtle

Image Source: Aaron

2. Ornate Diamondback Terrapin

The Ornate Diamondback Terrapin scientific name Malaclemys terrapin is a turtle species native to the Northeastern and southern United States and Bermuda.  The body length of turtle species is between 13 to 19 cm and the avarage weight is between 300 to 500 grams. The avarage lifespan of Ornate Diamondback Terrapin is upto 25 years in the wild. The name terrapin is derived from the Algonquian word torope and it was originally used by early European settlers in North America.

Ornate Diamondback Terrapin

Image Source: Florida fish and wildlife

3. Box Turtle

Box Turtle is one of the endangered turtle and tortoise species that comes in various colors such as red, yellow, and sometimes orange spotting and streaking. These tiny turtle species will not go over 9 in size, however, the average adult size for a three-toed box turtle is between 4 ½ to 5 in.  The dietary habit is omnivorous in nature and feeds on plants, insects, and amphibians, however, when the food is scarce, they feed on earthworms, snails, beetles, flies, and even mushrooms. The avarage lifespan of box turtles is between 30 to 40 years in the wild.

Box Turtle

Image Source: Wikimedia

4. Malayan Snail-Eating Turtle

The Malayan snail-eating turtle scientifically known as Malayemys macrocephala is a turtle species that belongs to the family Geoemydidae. These turtle species are mostly seen in the regions of Cambodia, Myanmar, west Malaysia, and Thailand (coastal southeastern and central Chao Phraya and Mae Klong basins). They have basic freshwater turtle characteristics where females have larger heads than males. The primary diet includes predominantly mollusks.

Malayan Snail-Eating Turtle

Image Source: J Maughn

5. Narrow-Bridged Musk Turtle

The narrow-bridged musk turtle’s scientific name is Claudius angustatus is one of the colourful turtle species that belongs to the family Kinosternidae.  These turtle species are mostly seen in the black regions of  Central America and Mexico. Talking about the appearance, they are brown in color whereas the scutes of the carapace have lines and graining giving them a wood-like appearance. The head of the turtle species is large and bulbous for its size, with a sharp beak and a long neck. The average lifespan of a Narrow-Bridged Musk Turtle is between 20 to 60 years.

Narrow-Bridged Musk Turtle

Image Source: Wikimedia

6. Japanese Pond Turtle

The Japanese pond turtle’s scientific name is Mauremys japonica is a turtle species species that belongs to the family Geoemydidae. The turtle species is endemic to Japan and its Japanese names include nihon ishigame and Japanese stone turtle.  It is also known as Japanese pond terrapin, and Japanese pond tortoise and is known to hybridize with the Chinese pond turtle, the Chinese stripe-necked turtle, and the Chinese box turtle in captivity. These colourful turtles are an aquatic species found in many freshwater bodies of water that include rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps, marshes, and irrigated rice paddies in the flatlands surrounding highlands.

Japanese Pond Turtle

Image Source: Wikimedia

7. Four-Eyed Turtle

The four-eyed turtle’s scientific name Sacalia quadriocellata is a reptile that belongs to the family Geoemydidae. The name of the turtle species comes from two bright yellow or green spots that occur on the back of its head that can look like another pair of eyes. It can grow upto a length of 15 cm (5.9 in) and its color ranges from a yellowish-tan to a deep chocolate-brown, and all turtles have a distinct pattern of lines. The head is colourful with yellow or green eyes along with yellow stripes, and a pink or red throat.

Four-Eyed Turtle

Image Source: Wikimedia

8. Vietnamese Black-Breasted Leaf Turtle

The black-breasted leaf turtle’s scientific name is Geoemyda spengleri) endemic to to Southeast Asia. It is also known as the black-breasted hill turtle or Black-breasted hill turtle that belongs to the family Geoemydidae. It has also even been given the specific name spengleri in the honor of Danish naturalist Lorenz Spengler. It is mostly seen in the wild in China, Vietnam and Laos.

Vietnamese Black-Breasted Leaf Turtle

Image Source: Wikimedia

9. Yellow-Spotted River Turtle

The yellow-spotted Amazon river turtle’s scientific name is Podocnemis unifilis is a turtle species that belongs to the family Podocnemidae. It is also known as a yellow-headed side-neck turtle or the yellow-spotted river turtle one of the largest South American river turtles. The body length can grow upto 45 cm long and weigh up to 8 kg.  Talking bout appearance, they can be organized by their black or brown oval carapace (upper shell) with distinctive low keels on the second and third scutes.  The average lifspan of a Yellow-Spotted River Turtle is upto 70 years.

Yellow-Spotted River Turtle

Image Source: Wikimedia

10. Big-Headed Turtle

The Big-Headed Turtle’s scientific name is Platysternon megacephalum which belongs to the family Platysternidae. They are mostly seen in Southeast Asia and southern China. The body length is upto 40 cm in length and can readily climb over obstacles in and around rivers and fast streams with the help of its tail as a prop to extend the reach of its strong claws. The primary diet includes carnivore, molluscivore, piscivores and vermivorous. The lifespan of Big-Headed Turtle is not known in the wild and in captivity it is up to 20 years in captivity. 

Big-Headed Turtle

Image Source: Wikimedia

These are some of the Colourful Turtles in the wild. Kindly share and post your comments.

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