16 Bright Yellow Animals In The World

Animals across the world vary greatly in color. The species gets its colors to blend perfectly into its surroundings. There are some animal species where males are more brightly colored while in others females are more monotonously colored. Here are some of 16 bright yellow animals in the world,

Bright Yellow Animals In The World

1. Golden Poison Dart Frog

The golden poison frog is a frog species endemic to the rainforests of Colombia.  It is also known as the golden dart frog or golden poison arrow frog and is now an endangered species because of habitat destruction. The body length ranges between 47 to 55 cm in length and the average weight is upto 30 grams.

The animal species of South America are diurnal and will live evenly spaced without forming larger congregations. The adult species primarily species feeds on ants in the genera Brachymyrmex and Paratrechina. The tadpoles feed on algae, mosquito larvae, and other edible material present in the environment.

Golden Poison Dart Frog

2. Eurasian Golden Oriole

The Eurasian golden oriole is one of the African birds and the only member of the Old World oriole family that breeds in the Northern Hemisphere temperate regions.  The body length is between 24 to 25 cm and the average weight is between 65 to 67 grams. During the winter season, it will migrate to central and southern Africa. The avarage lifespan of the Eurasian golden oriole is upto 10 years. The dietary habit is carnivores and herbivores in nature and feeds on small insects and fruits and sometimes seeds, nectar, and pollen, however, rarely, it catches small mammals, small lizards, eggs, and nestlings.

Eurasian Golden Oriole

3. Misumena vatia

Misumena vatia is a species of crab spider mostly seen in North America. It is also known as goldenrod crab spider or flower (crab) spider and generally hunts in goldenrod sprays and milkweed plants.  The unique part of crab spiders is thier ability to walk sideways as well as forwards and backward. The primary diet includes common insects, often consuming prey much larger than themselves. The closest relative of the crab spider is Mecaphesa asperata, which is also found in North America, as well as Central America and the Caribbean. 

Misumena vatia

4. Orange-barred Sulphur Butterfly

Orange-barred Sulphur is one of the most beautiful yellow animals in the world that was believed to have been established in Florida in the late 1920s and has become familiar residents.  They are seen year around South Florida and even spread in the north each year, however, they are uncommon in the Panhandle. The wingspan length is between 7.0 to 8.6 cm and females are larger than males. The male species can be identified as bright yellow with small dark spots, however, females have orange-yellow with fine dark mottling.

Orange-barred Sulphur Butterfly

Image Source: Jose Amorin

5. Eyelash Viper

Eyelash Viper is one of the cutest snakes in the world specially found in Central and South America. The species can be categorized with different color variations and beautiful superciliary scales above the eyes.  The head is triangular shaped and the eyes with vertical pupils. They appear in a wide range of colors that includes red, yellow, brown, green, and even pink, as well as various combinations thereof.  The eyelash vipers are polygynous which means one male mates with more than one female and during matin season males engage in a sometimes hours-long courtship ritual called a “dance of the adders”.

Eyelash Viper

6. American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch is one of the yellow and black birds species that meets twice a year.  The first time, males with get bright yellow feathers in the spring season and the second is at the end of summer when the darker feathers grow in males. The bird species in North Carolina build nests during late June and early July when the thistle and milkweeds will seed. The brown-headed Cowbirds are known to lay their eggs in an American Goldfinch nest because cowbird chicks need a diet that consists of more than seeds and only survives a few days. 

American Goldfinch

7. 22-spot Ladybird

The 22-Spot Ladybird Beetle is one the yellow animals and a small insect that belongs to the Coccinellidae family of ladybird beetles and ladybugs. The name of the 22-spot ladybird comes from yellow elytra (two wing cases) with 22 black spots. Talking about its appearance, they have an oval-shaped and slightly domed body. The wings of the species hidden underneath the wing cases along with the black compound eyes and the color of the antennae are light-brown. The body length is upto half a centimetre and the species is native to Europe. The lifecycle of the 22-spot ladybird includes egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

22-spot Ladybird

8. Banana Slug

The Banana Slug is one of the beautiful yellow animals that is comprising the genus Ariolimax. They are also one of the slowest animals in the world and can move 7.5 inches per minute.  Talking about its appearance, the banana slug has three openings on the right side of its head and it is used to draw breath. Banana slugs are hermaphrodites means both male and female species have genitals and even self-fertilize in cases when necessary.  The avarage lifespan of the banana slug is upto 7 years.

Banana Slug

9. Yellow Seahorse

Yellow seahorse is one the most amazing yellow animals in the world that can be easily recognized because of its specific morphology. As of now, 35 species of seahorses are identified and mostly seen in the tropical and temperate water all over the world. The body length is between 0.6 to 14 inches in length and is known for its elongated body and curled tail. They hold a Guinness World Record for the slowest swimmers in the ocean and can swim with a speed of 5 feet per hour.

Yellow Seahorse

10. Yellow Tang

Yellow Tang is one of the beautiful yellow animals that can be easily identified with the help of the bright yellow color. It can grow upto 8 inches and is mostly seen near the islands of Hawaii. The range of yellow tang includes the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans where 70 percent of this species is found in the waters just west of Hawaii in shallow reef areas. The primary diet of yellow tang includes filamentous algae and invertebrates and in the zoo, it’s frozen mysis and brine shrimp as well as dried sea algae. The avarage lifespan of a yellow tang is upto 30 years in the wild and between 5 to 10 years in captivity.

Yellow Tang

11. Yellow mongoose

The yellow mongoose, also known as the red meerkat, belongs to the mongoose family. The body length of a yellow mongoose is between 23 and 33 cm, and its average weight is between 450 and 800 grams. They are found throughout southern Africa, in Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. The average lifespan of yellow mongoose is up to 15 years in the wild. The riamry diet includes ants, termites, locusts, fruits, nuts, and beetles.

Yellow mongoose

Image Source: Wikimedia

12. Southern Masked Weaver

The southern masked weaver’s scientific name is Ploceus velatus is an African bird species common throughout southern Africa. The body length of the southern masked weaver is up to 11–14.5 cm and comes with a short, strong, conical bill and pinkish brown legs. The male species can be identified with the help of a black face, throat, and beak; a red eye; a bright yellow head and underparts; and a plain yellowish-green back. However, the female ones have a pinkish-brown bill; a brown or red-brown eye; and a dull greenish-yellow streaked darker on the upper back. The primary diet includes insects, seeds, and nectar and will come to feeding tables.

Southern Masked Weaver

Image Source: Wikimedia

13. Ghost Crab

The ghost crab is one of the bright yellow animals that belong to the subfamily Ocypodinae. The name ghost crab comes from their nocturnality and their generally pale coloration. It is also sometimes known as sand crabs, and the characteristics of the subgamily include one claw being larger than the other, thick and elongated eyestalks, and a box-like body. Talking about their appearance, they have elongated and swollen eyestalks with very large corneas on the bottom half. The average lifespan of ghost crabs is up to 3 years in the wild.

Ghost Crab

Image Source: Wikimedia

14. Yellow warbler

The yellow warbler found almost the whole of North America, the Caribbean, and down to northern South America. During the winter season, they migrate to the south of their breeding range, from southern California to the Amazon region, Bolivia, and Peru. They love to spend most of the time in small groups; however, during breeding, they are fiercely territorial and will try to chase away any conspecific intruder that comes along. The priamry diet includes insects and will also eat other invertebrates, some berries, and similar small, juicy fruits, especially in their winter quarters.

Yellow warbler

Image Source: Wikipedia

15. Fire Salamander

The fire salamander is one of the brightest yellow animals in the world and is found in most of southern and central Europe. The bright coloration of fire salamander is highly conspicuous and acts to deter predators by honest signalling of its toxicity to animal species. The body length is up to 15 to 30 cm, and the average weight is up to 19 grams. The venom of fire salamander is primarily an alkaloid toxin, samandarin, which causes strong muscle convulsions and hypertension combined with hyperventilation in all vertebrates. The fire salamander has a long lifespan of up to 50 years.

Fire Salamander

Image Source: Wikipedia

16. Yellow Boxfish

Yellow boxfish can be easily recognised by its box-shaped, bright yellow body with spots. The juvenile has black spots about the size of the pupil, and as the fish species grows, the spots will become smaller and brownish, sometimes even changing to white spots with a black margin. They are found in the waters of the Indo-West Pacific, including Indonesia, New Guinea, the Philippine Islands, and Fiji and French Polynesia.

Yellow Boxfish

Image Source: Wikimedia

These are the 16 bright yellow animals in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.

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