10 Incredible Blue Animals In The World

There are so many things in blue color, we see around us such as blue sky or ocean but it is one of the rarest colors in nature. The primary reason for less blue coloration among animals is the narrow range of pigments that cause coloration in animals. Here is the list of beautiful blue animals in the world,

Blue Animals

1. Blue poison dart frog

The blue poison dart frog is one of the beautiful blue animals that was discovered in the year 1969 and found in the isolated areas of rainforest in Suriname and northern Brazil. They carry a natural poison that is capable of paralyzing or even killing predators.  The poison is not created naturally instead comes from the diet of highly poisonous ants in the wild.

The body length can grow upto 6cm in maximum length and the average weight is 5 grams in wieght. The primary diet includes insects, including caterpillars, ants, beetles, flies, and mites, however, they also consume spiders and other arthropods. The avarage lifespan of blue poison dart frogs is between 4 to 6 years in the wild and upto 12 years in captivity.

Blue poison dart frog

2. Blue iguana

The blue iguana’s scientific name is Cyclura lewisi, which is an endangered species of lizard that is endemic to the island of Grand Cayman.  It is also known as the Grand Cayman ground iguana, Grand Cayman blue iguana, or Cayman Island rock iguana that can grow upto 2 meters in length and avarage weight is upto 14 kilograms. These are solitary creatures and come together only to breed.  The avarage lifespan of the blue iguana is one of the longest-living species of lizard and can go upto 69 years in the wild.

Blue iguana

3. Blue glaucus

Blue glaucus is one of the coolest animals known for its dazzling blue hues, which have garnered plenty of attention in recent years. The animal species used its brilliant coloration for camouflaging with the ocean and sky, however, there are instances where it washes up on beaches and surprises swimmers. The body length can grow upto three centimeters at maturity and the average weight is between three to one hundred grams.  The avarice lifespan of blue glaucus is between one month to one year in the wild.

Blue Dragon

4. Blue Jay

Blue Jay is one of the popular blue and white birds found in southern Canada and throughout the eastern and central United States south to Florida and northeastern Texas. These bird species are categorized by thier noisy, bold, and aggressive nature. These blue bird species of Florida are monogamous in nature which means they pair for life and breeding season begins in mid-March, peaks in mid-April to May, and extends into July. There are no major threats to the Blue Jays at present.

Blue Jay

5. Blue sea star

The Blue sea star is a species of starfish and closely related to the Linckia multifora, however, it comes with different coloration. They are mostly seen in the shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The avarage lifespan of a blue sea star is upto 10 years, however, it is much less in captivity. The main threats to the population of the species are predators, the sea-shell trade, and the tourism Industry. The communication pattern of the Linckia sea star is not known but it is believed that they communicate with the help of chemical signals.

Blue sea star

Image Source: Wikimedia

6. Blue tang

The blue tang is one of the beautiful blue animals that is capable of adjusting the intensity of their hue from light blue to deep purple. They are mostly seen in large schools over the ref top and grazing on algae. It comes with a sharp spine along with a modified scale, located along either lateral edge of the caudal peduncle.  Talking about the appearance, the body coloration is Blue to deep purple along with a white or yellow spine along caudal peduncle. The intermediate form has a blue body and yellow caudal fin.  The avarage lifespan of blue trang is between 8 to 20 years.

Blue tang

7. Sinai agama

Sinai agama’s scientific name is Pseudotrapelus sinaitus found in the regions of southeastern Libya, eastern Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, eastern Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. There is a subspecific name was given to the species in honor of  Israeli Herpetologist Yehudah L. Werner. Talking about the appearance, this is a small lizard species that has long legs, giving it an upright stance.  The body length can grow upto 18 cm (7 in) and have a long, slender tail, one and a half times as long as the body. The species preys on insects and a large part of its diet consists of ants. The avarage lifespan of sinai agama is upto five years. 

Sinai agama

Image Source: Wikipedia

8. Blue dacnis

The blue dacnis also known as turquoise honeycreeper is a passerine bird species that belongs to the family Thraupidae. They are found in the regions of Nicaragua to Panama, in Trinidad, and in South America south to Bolivia and northern Argentina.  The body length a grown upto 12.7 cm long and it weighs upto 13 grams. The adult male species can be identified with the help of turquoise blue with a black around the eyes, and on the throat and back. The wings and tail are black, edged with turquoise.  The bird species prefers to thrive in forests and other woodlands, including gardens and parks. The average lifespan of blue dacnis is upto 5+ years in the wild.

Blue dacnis

Image Source: Wikimedia

9. Morpho butterfly

The Morpho butterfly Is one of the beautiful butterfly species that is famous for its striking blue wings. They are foud in Ecuador’s Amazon jungle, Guayaquil which is on the Pacific side of the Andes, however, there are several travelers who have also seen it in the Mindo Cloud Forest. They prefer to fly in swarms around rivers and streams in the Amazon region. Though they have an impressive wingspan, these butterfly species are far smaller than other insects. The entire lifespan of Morpho butterflies lasts for 115 days where they spend most of their time in eating and reproducing.

Morpho butterfly

10. Shining honeycreeper

The shining honeycreeper is one of the black and blue birds in the world that belongs to the tanager family. They are found in the tropical New World in Central America from southern Mexico to Panama and northwest Colombia.  They are closely related to the purple honeycreeper, however, these two species breed sympatrically in eastern Panama and northwest Colombia. The bird species thrive in the upper levels of the forest and forest canopy.  The primary diet includes fruits, insects, and nectar.  The avarage lifespan of shinning honeycreeper is between 5 to 12 years in the wild.

Shining Honeycreeper

These are some of the incredible blue animals in the world. Kindly share and post your comments.

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