Top 10 Beautiful Birds With Mohawks

A mohawk or crest is a group of longer feathers growing from the crown of a bird. There are many bird species that come with crown feathers forming a peak at the back of the head. These crests are composed of fewer crown feathers that can be labeled as tufts. Here is the list of the top 10 birds with mohawks in the world.

Birds With Mohawks

1. Golden Pheasant

Golden Pheasant is a colorful bird species widely distributed in Asia, Europe, and North America today. It is closely related to wild chickens, quails, and partridges. The bird species can grow between 20 to 36 inches in length and the average weight is between 2 to 4 pounds. They can run a speed of between 8 to 10 miles per hour and fly at a speed of 35 to 45 miles per hour. The dietary habits are omnivores in nature and feed on seeds, berries, fruit, insects, worms, and small reptiles.  The avarage lifespan of a golden pheasant is upto 3 years in the wild.

Golden Pheasant

2. Palm Cockatoo

The palm cockatoo is one of the birds with mohawks native to New Guinea, the Aru Islands, and the Cape York Peninsula. It is also known as the goliath cockatoo or great black cockatoo and is known for its smoky-grey or black parrot of the cockatoo family. The body length of the palm cockatoo is between 55 to 60 cm in length and the average weight is between 910 to 1200 grams. It can fly with a speed of 69 km/h and an avarage wingspan s between 70 to 100 cm in total length. It primarily feeds on leaf buds, fruits, and seeds, however, they also consume insects and their larvae. The verge lifespan of a palm cockatoo is between 40 to 60 years in the wild.

Palm Cockatoo

Image Source: Wikipedia

3. Bare-faced Go Away Bird

The bare-faced go-away-bird is a bird species that belong to humans the family Musophagidae. The bird species is native to the eastern Afrotropics because of its distinctive and uniquely bare, black face. Both males and females look identical, however, females have a green beak.  The body length if upto 48 cm long beak to tail and weighs approximately 210 to 300 grams. The diet consists of fruits, leaf buds, and seeds and they are mostly seen in two disjunct areas in Africa: one in Ethiopia, and the other in Burundi, DRC, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. 

Bare-faced Go Away Bird

Image Source: Wikimedia

4. Pileated Woodpecker

The pileated Woodpecker is a popular bird with a red head where Pileated” refers to the bird’s prominent red crest meaning “capped”. This is also the third largest species of woodpecker in the world followed by the Great Slaty woodpecker and the Black woodpecker. They have mostly seen nets countries such as Canada, the eastern United States, and parts of the Pacific Coast.  These are e monogamous birds that form strong pair bonds. The incubation period is between 12 to 16 days and can lay between 3 to 5 eggs. They are also adapted to climb on vertical surfaces, but when on the ground they will move by hopping.

Pileated woodpecker

5. Victoria Crowned Pigeon

The Victoria crowned pigeon is a large pigeon species that comes with elegant blue lace-like crests, maroon breasts,and red irises. The body length of a Victoria crowned pigeon is between 73 to 75 cm in length and the average weight is upto 3.5 kilograms. The bird can be easily recognized by its unique white tips on its crests and by its deep ‘whooping’ sounds made while calling. Their dietary habits are herbivores, frugivores, and granivores in nature, and primarily feed on berries, seeds, and occasionally small invertebrates. The avarage lifespan of the Victoria crowned pigeon is between 20 to 25 years in the wild.

Victoria Crowned Pigeon

6. Eurasian Hoopoe

The Eurasian hoopoe is a beautiful black and orange bird of the genus Upupa and native to Europe, Asia, and the northern half of Africa. The body length of a Eurasian hoopoe is between 25 to 32 cm in length and the average weight is between 46 to 89 grams. It is most active during the day and spends most of the time on the ground probing for grubs and insects.  The diet consists of mostly insects, although small reptiles, frogs, and plant matter such as seeds and berries are sometimes taken as well. The avarage lifespan of the Eurasian hoopoe is upto 10 years.

Eurasian Hoopoe

7. Western Crowned Pigeon

The western crowned pigeon looks very similar to  Victoria crowned pigeon, Sclater crowned pigeon, and Scheepmaker crowned pigeon and is also listed as the largest member of the pigeon family. It is also known as the common crowned pigeon or blue crowned pigeon because of blue lacy crests over the head and dark blue mask feathers around its eyes. Both males and females are almost similar, however, males are often larger than females. The body length is upto 70 cm (28 in) long and weighs upto 2.1 kg (4.6 lbs). The exact lifespan of the western crowned pigeons is not known in the wild.

Western Crowned Pigeon

8. Grey Crowned Crane

The grey-crowned crane is a popular African bird that belongs to the family Gruidae. The body length of grew crowned crane is between 180 to 200 cm in length and the average weight is between 3 to 4 kg. They have been called different names such as African crowned crane, golden crested crane, golden-crowned crane, East African crane, East African crowned crane, African Crane, Eastern crowned crane, Kavirondo Crane, South African crane, and crested crane. It is mostly seen in the regions of eastern and southern Africa and is the national bird of Uganda. The avarage lifespan of grey crowned crane is between 22 to 25 years.

Grey-Crowned Crane

9. Crested Duck

Crested Duck is a medium size black and white duck species also known as, domestic duck because it is used for domestic uses such as meat, eggs, and in some areas as pets. They prefer to live near wetlands such as ponds, and rivers.  The bird species is native to South America, however, it is frequently spotted in the United States for its prolific ability as a breeder.  They live in flocks where 50 crested ducks live together, however, numbers can grow upto 100. The mating season is summer and female crested ducks lays around 100-130 eggs on an annual basis. 

Crested Ducks

10. Great Bowerbird

The great bowerbird is one of the amazing birds with mohawks and common residents of northern Australia. They like to thrive in the regions of vine forests, monsoon forests, and mangrove swamps. The body length of a great bowerbird is between 33 to 38 cm long and the average weight is between 0.2 to 0.23 kg. They prey and feed on fruits, insects, spiders, and seeds. The natural enemies include foxes, loss of habitat, and cats. Great bowerbird belongs to the Aves class and the Ptilonorhynchdae family. Bowerbird is known to have a life expectancy and can live upto 10 years in the wild.

Great Bowerbird

Image Source: Wikimedia

These are the 10 birds with mohawks in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.

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