16 Different Types Of Birds Chirping At Night

Barn Owl
Barn Owl

The chirping of birds is quite soothing and beautiful and is loved by many people all around the world. Out of so many species of birds, Here is the list of birds chirping at night,

Birds Chirping At Night

1. Common Nightingale

Nightingale grows 6 to 7 inches long and weighs 0.04 lb. It is found in forests, woodlands, and shrublands in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Australia. It is a bird that sings during dawn and dusk with a life expectancy of 1-3 years. It has brown to golden-colored plumage and a wingspan of 8-10 inches.

It has a flat yellowish beak with a long tail covered with feathers. Nightingale uses two types of songs-whistles and non-whistles. It sings a whistle song to defend its territory and find a mating partner and a nonwhistle song is used for the rest of the purposes. It is an omnivorous bird feeding on worms, insects, bees, flies, and caterpillars.

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Common Nightingale
Common Nightingale

2. Northern Mockingbird

The northern mockingbird is one of the black birds with white strips on thier wings that weighs between 47 to 51 grams, with a length of 21-26 cm, The small grey birds with white bellies in the world are usually resident of North America residing in open grounds, grassy and shrubby areas. This omnivore bird of North Carolina feeding on moths, butterflies, ants, beetles, grasshoppers, and many more insects has life anticipation of 8-20 years.

With a cute gray-brown body, it loves to flutter its wide wings having white spots all over it. Being trained in almost 200 songs, Northern Mockingbird adores singing both day and night and also copies the voices of other animals. Because of its beautiful singing, it has great value and reference in pop customs. 

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Northern Mockingbird
Northern Mockingbird

3. Black-crowned Night Heron

With a 22.8-26 inches long and 23-28 inches tall body, Black-crowned Night Heron is found mostly flying with a speed of 35 mph in the saltwater, tropical rainforests, mangrove forests, and fresh wetlands of almost every part of the country. With life anticipation of 3 years, this bird nourishes leeches, earthworms, insects, and various other water animals but nocturnal adores preying at night.

The combination of a white-gray body and wings along with yellow legs and a sharp beak makes it attractive though not multi-colored. Along with that, these birds are well-known for their sounds similar to crows as well as night chasing habit. 

Black-crowned Night Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron

4. American woodcock

One of the birds with long beaks also renowned as Labrador twister or timberdoodle, the American woodcock is a 25-31 cm long bird with a body mass of 116-279 grams and stays alive for 2 years. This omnivore bird nourishing on crickets, earthworms, flies, and centipedes is found generally in forests, farmland, marshes, and wetlands of India, Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia, Australia, North America, the United Kingdom, and many more countries.

With a tiny rounded body covered with black and brown feathers along with an elongated beak, his bird appears extremely lovable. Flying at a speed of 16-28 mph, woodcock is best known for its best taste buds and non-vocal communicating habits. 

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American woodcock
American woodcock

5. Yellow Breasted Chat

Found in the dense forests of North America, Mexico, and Canada, Yellow Breasted Chat is usually yellow, white, black, or brown with a life expectancy of 5-8 years. Weighing just 20-33 grams, it grows 6-7.5 inches long and is adorable. Feeding on insects, berries, and trees, it reproduces in May and July and lays 3 to 5 eggs.

The male members of birds sing during the night which may be related to their breeding at night. They also sing during the morning and evening and make sounds of whistles, pops, catcalls, and rattles. Though cute, these birds are wild animals and are not kept as pets. 

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Yellow Breasted Chat
Yellow Breasted Chat

6. Common Pauraque

A widespread night bird found in regions of Central and South America and Texas is Common Pauraque. It grows 8.7-11 inches long and has grayish-brown plumage. The upper part of its body is gray with a white throat and the lower part of its body is gray-brown.

Having a great power to camouflage helps it become invisible during the daytime. During the night the male bird sings with the sounds of whistles and grunts sounding like a frog. Being a night bird, it catches insects during the night and can be spotted in fields and on roads. 

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Common Pauraque
Common Pauraque

Image Source: Wikimedia

7. Hermit Thrush

Found in trees and mountains of Canada and the United States, Hermit Thrush weighs around 18-37 grams and grows 5.9-11 inches long. This small cute bird has a melodious voice and brown color on its head and back and feeds on berries, insects, and worms. With the reddish tail, spots are present on its throat and breast and its pink legs make it look adorable. Its voice is highly melodious and sounds like a flute. When two hermit thrushes meet near their nests, they sing melodious and pleasant songs.

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Hermit Thrush
Hermit Thrush

8. American Robin

With orange-gray feathers, the American Robin is found in fields, gardens, lawns, parks, and lands of North America. One of the black and orange birds weighs between 77-5 grams, grows about 7-11 inches long, and has a life expectancy of about 14 years. Its orange-gray plumage makes it look attractive and it feeds on fruits, earthworms, and beetles. Its voice box called Syrinx allows it to make a variety of calls and sounds. Chirping all day, the bird specifically sings during the early morning sitting on huge trees. It is one of the amazing birds chirping at night.

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American Robin
American Robin

9. Eastern whip-poor-will

One of the types of brown birds weighing between 40 to 68 grams, Eastern whip-poor-will grows 8.6-10.6 inches long and is found in forests of Canada, Mexico, and North and Central America. Its gray-brown feathery body has long wings with short legs and a round tail. Like other birds, it is not that cute and has a life expectancy of 4-15 years. Worms, mosquitoes, and beetles and included in its diet, and eats them on full moon night. It specifically doesn’t sing but the male bird sings whip-poor-will all day to call its mate.

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Eastern whip-poor-will
Eastern whip-poor-will


10. Barred Owl

The barred owl is one of the types of owls in Southern California found usually in the mixed, deciduous, and coniferous forests of Sothern Canada and the Eastern United States, the Barred owl is extremely adorable with brown and white bodies having black-brown eyes. Growing up to 40-63 cm long, males weigh between 1-1.7 lb while females weigh nearly 1.3-2.5 lb and both have a life of nearly 18 years.

With a flight of 40 mph, it uses its excellent sight and ears to kill various animals like mice, squirrels, frogs, mammals, snakes, lizards, crabs, fishes, rabbits, and many more insects for eating. This night-loving bird usually remains active at night and is known to be a representation of joy, peace, and defense and is also considered blessed. 

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Barred Owl
Barred Owl

11. Killdeer

Killdeer is a large plover bird mostly seen in the Americas. The bird species are scientifically known as Charadrius vociferus which was given in the year 1758 by Carl Linnaeus in the 10th edition of his Systema Naturae.  The body length of killdeer can grow between 20 to 28 cm and the average weight is between 71 to 121 gms. It is one of the dumbest animals in the world.

The avarage lifespan of killdeer is between 10 to 11 years in the wild. The bird species primarily feeds on insects, however, it also eats millipedes, worms, snails, spiders, and some seeds. The role of killdeer in nature is to control the populations of insects they eat and also provide food for their predators.


12. Black Rail

Black rail is one of the popular birds chirping at night that prefers to thrive in fresh, brackish, and salt marshes and wet meadows. The body length of the black rail will grow between 10 to 15 cm in length with a total wingspan of 8.7 to 11.0 inches. The average weight is between 29 to 39 gms. Black Rail primarily feeds on seeds, insects, crustaceans, and mollusks. It also forages by feeding along the water lines during high and low tides.

Black Rail
Black Rail

Image Source: Wikimedia

13. Barn Owl

Barn owl is a medium-sized bird species that can be seen across the world except in polar regions and deserts. The body length of a barn owl can grow between 13 to 15 inches in length and its avarage weight is between 10 to 19.4 ounces with a total wingspan of 31 to 37 inches. The bird species are active during the night and have excellent eyesight and a sense of hearing which is helpful in the detection of potential prey on the ground. The dietary habits are carnivorous and primarily feed on voles, mice, shrews, and young rats. It occasionally eats fish from ponds. The avarage lifespan of a barn owl is 5 to 10 years in the wild.

Barn Owl
Barn Owl

14. Common Loon

The common loon is one of the amazing birds chirping at night mostly seen in the regions of Canada and the northern U.S. The body length of a common loon is between 66 to 91 cm and the avarage weight is between 2 to 7.6 kg. The total wingspan of a common loon is between 127 to 147 cm. The avarage lifespan of a common loon is upto 30 years in the wild. These black and white birds spend most of their time in water and come out on land only to nest. The dietary habits are carnivorous and primarily feed on fish, however, the younger ones feed on small minnows, and sometimes insects and fragments of green vegetation.

Common Loon
Common Loon

15. European robin

The European robin scientifically known as Erithacus rubeculathat belongs to the chat subfamily of the Old World flycatcher family.  The body length of a European robin can grow between 12.5 to 14 cm and the average weight is between 16 to 22 gms. The total wingspan of a European robin is between 20 to 22 cm. The avarage lifespan of the European robin is between 1 to 19 years in the wild. Their dietary habits are carnivorous and feed on spiders, worms, and insects., however, during autumn and winter, they have also seen eating berries and fruits. It is also listed as one of the most popular winter animals in the world.

European robin
European robin

16. Upland Sandpiper

The Upland Sandpiper is scientifically known as Bartramia longicauda and is closely related to the curlews. The older names of plant sandpiper were the upland plover and Bartram’s sandpiper known for their long necks, tails, and small bills. The body length of an adult Upland sandpiper is upto 30 cm (12 inches) with a total wingspan of 66 cm. The avarage weight of an Upland Sandpiper is upto 170 gms. The bird species primarily feeds on grasshoppers, crickets, weevils, beetles, moths, ants, flies, bugs, centipedes, millipedes, spiders, snails, and earthworms.

Upland Sandpiper
Upland Sandpiper

These are the amazing birds chirping at night. Kindly share and post your comments.

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