10 Big Eared Animals

Mule Deer
Mule Deer

Nature is extremely diverse and all animal species are known for their unique characteristic that makes them different. There are different animals with long ears and these creatures look adorable, here is the list of big-eared animals in animals in the world.

Big Eared Animals

1. Bat-eared Fox

Bat-eared Fox is one of the types of wild dogs and there are subspecies of the Bat-eared fox in Africa. One is in the eastern part of Africa and the other one is found in the southern part of Africa. They are social animals and like to live in pairs and family groups. The type of fox species usually hunt in groups, often splitting up in pairs, with separated subgroups moving through the same general area and used to locate by auditory means, rather than by smell or sight. They are monogamous and mating only happens once in a lifetime.

Bat-eared Fox
Bat-eared Fox

2. Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is believed to have originated in the 6th century through the breeding program of the monks of the Benedictine Abby of St. Hubert. These dog spaces are friendly but stubborn and need to be trained in obedience from an early age. The avarage lifespan of basset hound is basset hound is between 10 to 12 years in the wild. Female species of basset hound are slightly smaller than males where males can stand between 12 to 15 inches tall and can wieght upto 80 pounds, however, Females can grow upto 14 inches tall and avarage wieght is upto 60 pounds. 

Basset Hound
Basset Hound

Image Source: Wikimedia

3. Caracal

Caracal is one of the types of wild cat species that was first scientifically described by German naturalist Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber in 1776. Talking about the appearance, they have a graceful, slender, cat with a short, thick coat and characteristic long black-tufted ears.  The boy’s color ranges from tawny-gray to reddish-brown and sometimes even entirely black. These are solitary animals, except during mating and the rearing of kittens.  The average lifespan of Caracal is between 12 to 17 years in the wild.


4. Brown Rat or Norway Rat

Brown Rat or Norway rat is one of the big-eared animals believed to have originated in northern China and neighboring areas, however, they have now spread to all continents except Antarctica. They are the dominant rat species in Europe and much of North America. Talking bout appearance, the coat of a brown rat is usually brown to brownish-grey, however, the animal species can vary from white to pale reddish-brown and nearly black.

The dietary habit is omnivorous and feeds on grains, seeds, nuts, and fruits., as well as supplemented with mice, young rabbits, birds, and their eggs, fish as well and invertebrates such as insects.  The average lifespan of Brown Rat or Norway rat is between 2 to 4 years in the wild.

Brown Rat
Brown Rat

Image Source: Wikimedia

5. Fennec Fox

Fennec Fox is one of the cutest animals in the world and belongs to the family of dog-like mammals (Canidae). It is found in the sandy deserts of North Africa and the Sinai Peninsula. The body length of fox species is between  9 to 16 inches in length and 2 to 3 pounds in weight. Talking about the appearance, they have light beige fur on the back and white fur on the belly.  The thick fur is used to maintain the body temperature stable during cold nights and even protects skin from the merciless sun during the day.

Fennec fox
Fennec fox

6. California Sea Hare

California Sea Hare is one of the big-eared animals that belong to the sea hare family, Aplysiidae. The body length of a California sea hare is upto 40 cm in length and the average weight is upto 2 kilograms. They are found in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of California in the United States and northwestern Mexico. The animal species is closely related to the Aplysia vaccaria, the black sea hare, which can grow to be larger still. The dietary habit is herbivorous and feeds on red algae such as Laurencia pacifica, Plocamium pacificum, and Ceramium eatonianum, which give the animal its typically reddish or pinkish coloration.

California Sea Hare
California Sea Hare

Image Source: Wikimedia

7. Anglo Nubian Goat

The Anglo Nubian Goat is a British domestic goat breed believed to have originated in the nineteenth century by cross-breeding between between native British goats and a mixed population of large lop-eared goats imported from different countries such as India, the Middle East, and North Africa. Talking about the appearance, it’s a large goat species, characterized by its long legs, a markedly convex facial profile, and long pendulous lop ears.  The head is high and has polled or small downward-curved horns. The avarage lifespan of Anglo Nubian Goat is 12 years in the wild and upto 15 years in captivity.

Anglo Nubian Goat
Anglo Nubian Goat

Image Source: Wikimedia

8. Serval

The serval is a wild cat species native to Africa. They are widespread in sub-Saharan countries, except in rainforest regions. The medium-sized cat species stands between 54 to 62 cm (21–24 in) at the shoulder and the average weight is between 8 to 18 kg (18–40 lb), however, females are lighter than males. The dietary habit is carnivores in nature and feeds on rodents, particularly vlei rats, small birds, frogs, insects, and reptiles, and also feeds on grass that can facilitate digestion or act as an emetic. The avarage lifespan of Serval is upto 19 years.


Image Source: Wikimedia

9. African Elephant

African Elephant is one of the forest animals from Africa that changes habitats seasonally and prefers to stay in swampy areas during the dry season and lowland rainforest areas in the wet season. Talking about the appearance, they have grey skin that looks yellow to reddish after wallowing.  The skin is sensitive and can be prone to sunburn, especially when young. They have an oval-shaped ears and have small elliptical-shaped tips. The African forest elephant lives in family groups of up to 20 individuals. 

African Elephant
African Elephant

10. Mule Deer

The mule deer is a deer species native to western North America. They are found in the western Great Plains, in the Rocky Mountains, in the United States southwest, and on the West Coast of North America. The name of the deer species comes from ears which are large like those of the mule. The color of the mule deer’s coat changes with the seasons, from short, reddish-brown in the summer, to longer, grayish-tan in the winter months. They have excellent hearing and eyesight that help them to protect themselves from predators.

Mule Deer
Mule Deer

Image Source: Wikimedia

These are the 10 big eared animals. Kindly share and post your comments.

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