16 Animals With Small Eyes

Mantis shrimps
Mantis shrimps

Animals come in different forms and sizes, from extremely small to stunningly large, but one thing you may notice about some animals is that their eyes are relatively small. This is due to a wide range of factors, including the animal’s evolutionary history and ecosystem role like living in a dark habitat where they do not require good vision. Not all creatures with small eyes, however, are nocturnal or dwell in the dark. Let us discuss a few animals with small eyes,

Animals With Small Eyes

1. American shrew mole (Scientific Name: Neurotrichus gibbsii)

The tiniest mole species is the American shrew mole, and its eyes are virtually too small to see! It has an extraordinarily fast metabolism, requiring it to consume practically continuously. The smallest species of the mole is the American shrew mole. The eyes of the American shrew mole are small, spherical, and black. Shrew moles are another name for them. They have a similar sleep pattern to humans, including periods of rapid eye movement (REM).

The three middle claws on its front paws are elongated, and its eyes are almost totally hidden by skin n. It is believed that they go into deep sleep phases because they are less likely to be damaged than other animals. Insects, worms, and other invertebrates are among their favorite foods. In chilly weather, their fur keeps them warm. From Florida to Texas, the American shrew mole dwells underground in damp, woody, or bushy woodlands and forests.

American shrew mole eyes
American shrew mole eyes

Image Source: Natalie McNear

2. African Elephants (Scientific Name: Loxodonta africana)

African elephants are the largest terrestrial forest animals on the planet. Elephants have small eyes despite their massive bodies. Their long eyelashes also keep dirt and debris out of their eyes. They simply have larger pupils, allowing them to see better in low-light circumstances.

Elephant eyes are relatively small in comparison to those of other mammals. An adult African elephant’s eyes are only 2.5 cm (1 inch) across. In comparison, human eyeballs are approximately 6 cm in length (2.4 inches). Elephants’ eyes are likewise significantly larger than their brains. Their brains are smaller than those of humans, dogs, and cats. These herd animals are thought to be emotionally intelligent mammals. Elephants are emphatic, and they can detect and respond to the moods and emotions of others.

African Elephants eyes
African Elephants eyes

Image Source: Wikimedia

3. Pygmy Marmoset(Scientific Name: Cebuella pygmaea)

The Pygmy Marmoset is the smallest monkey in existence and one of the cutest animals in the world. It has a white line between its eyes, a black tail with a black ring around it, and white specks on its cheeks. Pygmy marmoset eyes are typically around one-third the size of human eyes. The sole difference between men and females is that females weigh somewhat more; both are on average just over 100 grams and stand 3 inches tall.

This type of monkey has some intriguing cognitive talents in pygmy marmoset monkeys. South America is the home of pygmy marmosets. Although they may have small bodies and eyes, they are renowned for having powerful claws and hooked toes that they utilize to cling to trees and other branches. One of the cutest monkeys also possesses several arboreal adaptations, such as the capacity to tilt their heads 180 degrees and nails that resemble sharp claws and are useful for climbing. These animals with small ears also have smaller brains than other primates.

Pygmy Marmoset
Pygmy Marmoset

Image Source: roger smith

4. Pigs(Scientific Name: Sus domesticus)

The eyes of pigs are small and they are also one of the most popular farm animals in the world. An ordinary domestic pig’s eye measures about 2.5 cm in diameter. Pupils, irises, corneas, and eyelids are just a few of the eye characteristics that pigs and humans have in common. Pig eyes are also bigger than the typical dog eye and smaller than the average human eye.

Pigs are omnivores, meaning they consume both plants and meat, and they are regarded as clever animals. They are sociable animals who dwell in herds or flocks and are also herd or flock-oriented. Pigs also have a limited sense of depth and can only notice things that are right next to them. They have dichromatic vision, which means that only two pigment-carrying cones collaborate to make the color. Pigs see the world less precisely than humans do, yet they can still recognize colors. Bushpig is one of the animals with big noses in the world.


5. Mongoose(Scientific Name: Herpestidae)

Mongooses are indigenous to Africa. They are small carnivorous mammals who eat insects and other small creatures because of their keen teeth and pointed snouts. There are several different habitats for mongooses, including woods and woodlands.

Despite having small eyes, these creatures have great vision, which makes them superb hunters. Their horizontal pupils give them a wide field of view. Their eyes become extremely light-sensitive while they are sleeping. In reality, they are capable of detecting starlight. As a result, they can see clearly at night without relying on their hearing or scent. They can hunt and catch prey like insects, rodents, birds, and frogs because of their enormous ears, which also improve their hearing.

mongoose eyes
mongoose eyes

6. Pandas(Scientific Name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

Pandas are one of the most fluffy animals in the world and have small and distinctive eyes. Each eye is surrounded by a large, round black patch, which makes them appear even smaller. The patches not only help the pandas identify one another, but they also help them stand out from one another. Because they spend most of the day resting, pandas don’t have the best eyesight, but they make up for it with a keen sense of smell. Pandas eat bamboo leaves and are found in China, Tibet, and other parts of Asia. It is one of the animals affected by deforestation.

Because they slumber for the majority of their life, pandas have a weak vision. Each morning, they only awaken for around 20 minutes to consume bamboo shoots and leaves. This implies that they do not need to have good vision throughout the day. Additionally, pandas have long tails and huge ears. They also have soft and blackish-grey fur. It is one of the dumbest animals in the world.

Giant Panda
Giant Panda

7. Platypus (Scientific Name: Ornithorhynchus anatinus)

Platypus is a popular land and water animal that lays eggs. They live in freshwater streams and rivers in eastern Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea. They have sleek bodies and broad, flat tails that are clothed in dense, waterproof fur that excels at acting as insulation against the cold. Their duck-like bill and webbed feet help to identify them.

These animals with big lips have small eyes and ears on platypuses both close when they dive underwater. They utilize their bills to forage for food while swimming underwater. Platypuses have easily distinguished from other species thanks to their electroreception and venomous spurs on their back foot, which they utilize to ward off predators. The monotremes, a distinct order of mammals that includes echidnas and platypuses, are separated from all other mammals by the fact that they lay eggs.

platypus eyes
platypus eyes

Image Source: Hobvias

8. Shrews (Scientific Name: Soricidae)

Shrews are small nocturnal mammals that resemble mice. They consume insects, worms, and other invertebrates. They are voracious eaters, needing 200 to 300% of their body weight daily to survive in their environment. They have long snouts, pointed teeth, and huge ears. Shrews are worldwide, except Antarctica, and they primarily live underground.

Shrews can find food in their dark surroundings thanks to their pointed nose and small, spherical, black eyes. Shrews are vulnerable to predators because their eyes are near the top of their heads. They may, however, move swiftly when danger is present. Their eyes are far back on their heads, which results in poor vision. Skin covers their eyes, thus they are unable to see what is in front of them. Instead, they use their senses of smell and hearing to locate prey.

Six-eyed sand spider
Six-eyed sand spider

Image Source: Kara

9. Colobus monkey(Scientific Name: Colobus guereza)

Colobus monkeys are arboreal primates without thumbs. They feature stunning black fur with a beard around their faces, a long white mantle, whiskers, and a bushy tail. These monkeys are widespread in East Africa. It is one of the animals with small eyes.

The Colobus monkey’s small eyes, in addition to its stunning hue, make it easily recognizable. There is a greater chance of spotting threats with more eyes. In shifts, colobus monkeys snooze. At least one group member remains on duty through the night to keep an eye out for potential predators.

Colobus monkey
Colobus monkey

Image Source: Wikimedia

10. Mantis shrimps( Scientific Name: Stomatopoda)

Mantis shrimps are fiercely predatory, multicolored crustaceans with raptorial claws similar to those of a praying mantis. Mantis shrimp come in two primary varieties: “spearers” and “smashers.” Both forms of attacks involve the raptorial claw swiftly unfolding and swiping at the target. Because of their beautiful colors and patterned skin, they are renowned for their ability to blend into their surroundings. Additionally, these animals have enormous eyes that are among the biggest in the animal kingdom.

The mantis shrimp is the animal with the smallest eyes. The two huge compound eyes on either side of the mantis shrimp’s head are quite large. These eyes are used to detect light and movement. Compared to humans, who only have one little eye, their vision is far better. Mantis shrimp have developed an unusual eye structure that improves their night vision. A compound eye is what this kind of eye is referred to as since it has several lenses layered together. The lenses let light flow through them to produce images, which the brain processes.

Mantis shrimps
Mantis shrimps

Image Source: Wikimedia

11. Horseshoe Bat

The Horseshoe Bat is one of the ugly animals in the world distributed across Europe, Northern Africa, Central Asia, and Eastern Asia.  The body length of bat species is between 57 to 71 mm in length and the average weight is upto 30 grams. This is the largest of the horseshoe bats in Europe and can be easily distinguished from other species.  The primary diet is carnivores in nature and feeds on moths, beetles, flies, wasps, bees, and cave spiders. The avarage lifespan of a Horseshoe Bat is up to 30 years in the wild.

Horseshoe Bat
Horseshoe Bat

12. Tree Shrew

The tree shrew also known as tree shrews or banxrings are small mammals native to the tropical forests of South and Southeast Asia.  The unique characteristic is that they have a unique higher brain-to-body mass ratio than any other mammal, including humans, however, this behavior is not very uncommon for the animal species whose wieght is less than 1 kg (2 lb). They. Like to live in mall family groups who are able to defend their territories from intruders. The dietary habit is omnivorous in nature and feeds on insects, small vertebrates, fruit, and seeds. 

Tree Shrew
Tree Shrew

Image Source: Marie Hale

13. Naked Mole Rat

The naked Mole Rat is one of the ugly animals in the world that are pink in color and nearly hairless subterranean rodents found in burrows in eastern Africa specifically in Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti, and Somalia. These ugly baby animals can grow upto  3 inches in length and their average weight is between 1 to 1.5 ounces, however, soldiers can weigh upto  2 ounces and the queen who is the largest member of the colony can weigh up to 2.5 ounces. These burrowing rodents primarily feed son parts of plants, particularly the succulent tubers formed by many of the plant species that grow in arid areas. They are the longest-living rodents known with a lifespan of upto 30 years.

Naked Mole Rat
Naked Mole Rat

14. Jerboa

Jerboa is one of the jumping animals whose color of the fur matches the color of the environment to provide camouflage, however, the color of the fur is usually beige, yellow, or brown in color and the tail ends with white tufts. Talking about their appearance, they have a mouse-like head with large eyes and whiskers.  The natural predators of jerboa include foxes, cats, snakes, and owls. The mating season of jerboa takes place during the summer and it breeds two times per mating season. The avarage lifespan of Jerboa is upto  2 to 6 years in the wild, which depend on the species.


15. Numbat

Numbat is one of the cutest animals in the world and is only found in the southwestern parts of Australia. It is a  small marsupial where males are slightly larger than females, however, females have longer tails.  The body length is between 13 to 18 in length and the wieght is between 9.9 to 19 ounces. Talking about the appearance, they have a pointed head along with sticky tongue that is designed for feeding on termites. Apart from termites, they also feed on ants and other insects.  It is also known as “banded anteater” because of the specific coloration of the coat and the type of diet. It is also listed as one of the animals with stripes in the world.


16. Opossum

Opossums are medium-sized animals with small eyes and pouches. The body length is between 15 t0 to 20 inches in length and the average Dwight is upto 4 to 12 pounds. As per the fossil records, they are very old animals and one of the oldest types of mammals.  It is believed that they were present on the earth at the same time when dinosaurs lived. Talking about the appearance, the body is covered with white-grayish fur. In rare occasions, it can be black, brown, or albino colored. The avarage lifespan is upto 2 years in the wild and up to 4 years in captivity.


Image Source: Wikimedia

These are some of the animals with small eyes. Kindly share and post your comments.

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