10 Animals With No Necks

humpback whale
humpback whale

The animal kingdom is widely distributed on planet Earth. There are many animals that are well known for having necks, however, many animals are well adapted to thier environment and don’t have necks. Here is the list of animals with no necks,

Animals With No Necks

1. Humpback Whale

The Humpback Whale is one of the strongest sea animals and is found in all major oceans and seas around the world. These animals travel farthest in the ocean and are one of the biggest species of whales fully grown marble can grow between 13 to 14 meters, however, females grow slightly larger and can grow between 15 to 16 meters. Talking about appearance, they are mainly black or grey with white undersides to their flukes, flippers, and bellies. The most noticeable characteristic of humpback whales is thier long flippers. The primary diet consists of krill, small fish, and plankton.

humpback whale
humpback whale

2. Snake

Snakes are animals with no neck and live everywhere right from deserts, ponds, rivers, forests, oceans, streams, and lakes. There are no snakes in Antarctica because these species will not be able to survive since the ground stays frozen all year long. The bodies of the snakes are covered with scales and these are waterproof and help snakes to move over rough ground or branches because they give them a grip on what they need to move from. Snakes are vertebrates which means that they have backbones and it is attached to ribs.

Great Prairie Rattlesnake

3. Frog

A frog is a group of animals known as amphibians. The most noticeable characteristics of frogs are jumping abilities, croaking sounds, bulging eyes, and slimy skin. As of now, 4,800 species of frogs are seen across the world and found on all continents except Antarctica. The lifespan of a frog varies between 1 to 30 years in the wild, depending on the species.

The goliath frog (Conraua goliath) is the largest living frog in the world and can grow upto 2 centimeters (12.6 inches) in length avarage wieght is upto 3.25 kilograms (7.17 pounds) and the smallest frog is the gold frog (Psyllophryne didactyla) which can grow upto 1 centimeter (0.39 inches) long and weighs upto 1 gram (0.035 ounces).

Tomato frog

4. Slug

One of the animals with no necks, Slug is a mollusk that belongs to the family gastropods. There are thousands of species of slugs that are found across the world. The body can grow between ¼ inch to 10 inches in length depending on the species. Talking about the appearance, they can come in yellow, grey, brownish, or black colored coloration and the body is covered and the body is covered with various dark markings. They don’t have teeth instead have an organ called a radula that is composed of thousands of miniature protrusions that help in grinding food. The avarage lifespan of slugs is between 1 to 6 years in the wild where females live longer than males.

Sea Slug
Sea Slug

5. Octopus

Octopus is one of the camouflaged animals with no neck that is found near the coral reefs. The name is derived from the Greek language and it means eight-footed. All the octopus species have a head and 8 arms known as tentacles. The vital organs are located in their head. The color and size of the octopus species depend on the environment and the ones in cold waters tend to be larger than the species that live in tropical (warm) water. These species are very popular In their ability to escape predators using various techniques. The avarage lifespan of an Octopus is upto a few months to a few years, depending on the species.

Blue ringed octopus
Blue-ringed octopus

6. Jellyfish

There are many different types of jellyfish found in all oceans across the world. It is believed to be one of the oldest animals in the world and appeared between  500 and 700 million years ago. These species are very adaptable because they can survive in all places including deadly zones where only jellyfish can survive. The primary diet includes phytoplankton, copepods, fish eggs, larvae of different species, and other jellyfish. The avarage lifespan of Jellyfish is ranges from several hours to several months, depending on the species.

Moon Jellyfish
Moon Jellyfish

7. Snail

Snails are one of the oldest animals on planet Earth and are belived to have existed nearly 500 million years ago. Many colorful snails can be brightly yellow, orange, or red depending on the habitat. The shell of snails grows their entire life and chemically it consists of calcium carbonate snails who take a rich calcium diet ensure a strong shell. These are also the slowest animals in the world moving with a speed of 0.5 inches per second.

Grove Snail
Grove Snail

8. Penguin

Penguins are one of the flightless birds and there are less than twenty known species of penguins and they all live in the Southern hemisphere. Apart from Antarctica, they can be found in South America, South Africa, New Zealand, and many Pacific islands.  They are social animals and can be found in large communities composed of thousand to ten thousand couples. They are one of the webbed feet birds and can swim between 15-20 miles per hour. The fairy penguin is the smallest type of penguin that can wieght upto 2 pounds and the Emperor penguin is the largest penguin that can wieght upto 90 pounds. It is also listed as one of the water diving birds in the world.

Emperor penguin with chick

9. Manatee

Manatee is one of the aquatic marine animals sometimes known as sea cows. Talking about appearance, they are Dull gray, blackish, or brown and the body ends in a  flat rounded tail used for propulsion. They are excellent swimmers and can able to submerged for more than 15 minutes, but they are incapable of travelling on land. They are adapted to eating aquatic plants. Manatees are active both day and night and can sleep submerged or while breathing at the water’s surface.


10. Aardvark

Aardvark is one of the skinny animals and is found throughout sub-Saharan Africa, except for the West and Central rainforest regions. These grassland animals with long faces prefer to thrive and are rich in a large abundance of ants and termites year-round. One of the long noses of animals has thick skin and it helps them from ant bits even aardvarks may sleep in the ant nests they have recently excavated for feeding. They primarily rely on their sense of smell to locate prey.


These are the list of the animals with no necks. Kindly share and post your comments.

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