7 Animals With Multiple Hearts

It may sound strange, that not all animals have a single heart. Animals having many hearts come from a variety of species and are widespread around the globe. Others on this list may surprise you, even though some of these species seem rather unusual to us. They may even be someone you contact with quite frequently, and you may not have even known they had multiple hearts. Due to the fact that most animals only need one heart, having many hearts is such a rare biological trait. Animals with numerous hearts are highly special because they don’t appear very frequently. With the aid of an additional heart, or in some cases, numerous more hearts, nature has enabled these animals to adapt and thrive. Here is a list of 7 such animals with multiple hearts,

Animals With Multiple Hearts

1. Squid

Squids have hundreds of species and a wide range of sizes, just like their relatives the octopi, but they all have three hearts. One of these pumps blood throughout the body, and the other two pump blood over the gills, just like the octopus’s heart does. Every ocean contains squid, and the majority of them are fairly little. The majority, however, are small and dwell in shallow, lightless water. Among the biggest animals on earth and likely the biggest with numerous hearts are the well-known enormous and lesser-known colossal squids.


2. Octopus

The octopus is an animal with three hearts, in case you were wondering. One of the most well-known animals with several hearts is the octopus, also known as an octopus (both spellings are valid). There are hundreds of different species of octopus, but they all have three hearts: one to circulate blood throughout the body and two more to send blood to the gills.

Octopuses can be found at practically any depth in almost every ocean. Octopi are creatures that inhabit small tidal pools along the shore as well as the depths of the Abyss. They are masters of camouflage thanks to their amazing capacity to alter color and shape. Additionally, there is some proof that octopi are highly clever and may even be capable of using tools.

Dumbo Octopus

3. Hagfish

Hagfish have four hearts in addition to being most well-known for their propensity to create vast amounts of slime. The major organ of the circulatory system is one heart, with the other three helping to enhance its pumping capacity. Hagfish may maintain a heartbeat for up to 36 hours without oxygen since they are oxygen-poor aquatic life. It is also listed as one of the most amazing aquatic animals in the world.

Hagfish are one of the ugly fishes found in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and they have a fairly limited number of predators in the wild. They can actually jam the gills of other fish, making it difficult for them to breathe, with the slime they create. Due to them, hardly any predators will choose to hunt hagfish. Hagfish are one of three forms of fish that lack a jaw. The other two are cartilaginous fish and fish with bones.


4. Earthworm

One of the most typical animals with numerous hearts is the earthworm. Almost anywhere there is dirt for them to live in, these decomposers can be found. Although their hearts are fairly simple structures, earthworms have five of them. Although earthworms are often very small, some species—known as gigantic earthworms—can reach lengths of up to ten feet. All types of earthworms are beneficial to have around because they enhance soil quality, which benefits plants by making them stronger and healthier.


5. Horses

Yes, the equine! Few people would think of a horse as an animal with several hearts, making it perhaps the most shocking animal on this list. However, a unique organ is known as a frog is located at the bottom of each foot. The frog serves as a blood reserve despite not having a genuine heart. The blood in the frog is pumped out of the frog and into the arteries of the horse every time the foot is pressed against the ground.

Frogs, therefore, circulate blood throughout the horse’s circulatory system, fulfilling the role of a heart even though some people may not consider them to be hearts. Therefore, each horse has five hearts in a way. Horses are found all across the world, and most of them now are descended from Asian wild horses. Native wild horses once roamed North America, but they vanished long before the arrival of the Europeans. The present-day wild horses in North America are descended from domestic horses that ran away.


6. Cuttlefish

The octopus and the squid, two other creatures with numerous hearts, are closely related to the cuttlefish. The cuttlefish, not quite like its relative, has just three hearts, one of which pumps blood throughout the body and two of which pump blood over the gills. The largest species of cuttlefish, which is native to Australia, is present around the world. The cuttlefish may be the smartest cephalopod, despite the fact that many of them are thought to be extremely intelligent (octopus, squid, etc.). In fact, some people believe that they are the most intellectual invertebrate species. It is also listed as one of the animals that starts with C.


7. Cockroach

Each person’s least favorite bug is the cockroach. The fact that they have 13 hearts is one of the reasons they’re so difficult to kill, along with their well-known capacity to endure harsh environments and serious wounds. Although experts now claim that there is just one heart with 13 chambers, this is often merely semantics. Each chamber in the line of chambers pumps blood to the one behind it. Due to their peculiar configuration, which makes it nearly impossible for their hearts to fail, they are incredibly tough. Even though they are ubiquitous, cockroaches are most well-known as domestic pests.


There are certain exceptions, despite the fact that most animals can survive with just one heart. These five instances demonstrate how ingenious evolution can be when it comes to maintaining a species’ viability and circulating blood. Medical procedures aside, it’s possible that humans may never evolve to have more than one heart, but animals like the hagfish are advancing our knowledge of how to care for and treat the human heart. This just serves to demonstrate how even the most bizarre animal behaviors can increase our knowledge of both the outside world and ourselves.

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