10 Animals Affected By Deforestation

Deforestation has a wide range of effects on animals. It destroys habitat, increases predation risk, reduces food availability, and more. As a result, some animals lose their homes, others lose their food sources, and many die. In reality, one of the primary causes of extinction is deforestation. Wild animals require proper habitat: safe, secure, and comfortable locations. They use these regions to rest, sleep, feed, breed, hide, and escape predators. However, when we disrupt these places, animals lose access to vital resources and become vulnerable to new hazards. Listed below are 10 such animals affected by deforestation.

Animals Affected By Deforestation

1. Mountain Gorilla

Did you know that Mountain Gorillas are one of the forest animals that reside in the hilly woods of Rwanda and Uganda at elevations ranging from 8,000 to 13,000 feet? Mountain gorillas have thick fur that protects them from subzero conditions, but they can only stay at high elevations for brief periods of time. Mountain gorillas have been compelled to dwell in even higher elevations for longer periods, often in perilous conditions, due to increased human infrastructure and construction.


2. Orangutans

Orangutans, one of the animals with big lips derive their name from the Malay language and mean “man of the forest,” share 96.4% of our human genes. Unfortunately, all orangutan species are extremely endangered due to illicit logging, irresponsible forestry practices, forest fires, and palm oil plantations. Female orangutans can only have one baby every 3-5 years, putting them in even greater danger of recovering from population decrease.


3. Sumatran Rhinos

The Sumatran Rhino is now found exclusively on the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Borneo. Because Indonesia and Malaysia generate more than 85% of the world’s palm oil, their habitat is dwindling as a result of clear-cutting. With only 80 Sumatran Rhinos left on the planet, it is important that we do everything we can to protect them. Furthermore, due to its exceedingly tiny population, it is extremely difficult to find a mate for reproduction. Only two captive females have successfully reproduced in the last 15 years, according to reports.

Sumatran Rhinos

Image Source: Wikipedia

4. Pygmy Sloth

The Pygmy Sloth is the only one of the six species of sloths still alive today that is listed as severely endangered. The other five species, on the other hand, are threatened by habitat loss as deforestation increases in the Amazon rainforest. What is the significance of this? Sloths are one of the dumbest animals critically reliant on the health of trees because they are their only source of refuge and food. Sloths’ shelter and food sources are jeopardized by the absence of an abundance of trees. Did you know that sloths only come down from their branches once a week to relieve themselves?

Pygmy Sloth

5. Monarch Butterflies

Winters are spent in Mexico, and summers are spent in Canada and the United States, notably Vermont. However, as towns in Mexico grow, the monarch butterfly habitat is being increasingly threatened owing to forest clear-cutting. On the other side, the impact of pesticide use on the milkweed plant (the principal food source of monarch butterflies) in the United States is making survival increasingly difficult. A recent survey conducted in Mexico revealed a 53% decline in population during the previous season.

Monarch butterfly

6. Big Cats

Many large cat species, including lions, tigers, jaguars, and leopards, are critically endangered. Deforestation in tropical areas, as well as large game hunting, have a significant impact on these animals. Why is clear-cutting and illegal logging still practiced? Clear-cutting is growing more popular as a result of our increased consumption of furniture, beef, and palm oil, among other things. How can you assist? By becoming more knowledgeable about the origins of your items. Going the extra mile to learn about a company’s sustainable practices. By doing so, we can all help to mitigate the harmful impacts of deforestation, which lead to species extinction.


7. Bornean Pygmy Elephant

The Bornean Pygmy Elephant is the smallest Asian elephant subspecies, with only about 1,500 left in Borneo. Palm oil plantations’ ecosystem is under constant threat as a result of their rapid expansion. Despite being the smallest elephant in the group, they nevertheless require a considerable quantity of land to gather food. As the amount of forest shrinks, it becomes increasingly difficult to find appropriate food and shelter.

Bornean Pygmy Elephant

Image Source: Wikimedia

8. Chimpanzees

Did you know that humans and chimps share 98% of our genes, making them our closest relatives? Chimpanzees have already vanished from four nations due to deforestation and poaching: Gambia, Burkina Faso, Togo, and Benin. Over 1 million chimps were thought to roam the Earth in the early 1900s. Estimates suggest that approximately 172,00-300,000 chimps remain, making them an endangered species. It is one of the most concerning animals affected by deforestation.

Rainforest chimpanzees from the Waibira community of East African Chimpanzees in Uganda by Hella Péter

9. Giant Panda

The bear species and sub species pandas must have access to bamboo in order to survive. Did you know that Pandas require 24 to 84 pounds of bamboo every day? Pandas are having difficulty locating new bamboo sources and possible partners to help repopulate their species due to the rising loss of forests in southwest China.

One of the animals with small eyes, the giant panda lived in bamboo forests. It’s a highly specialized animal with one-of-a-kind adaptations. The panda’s thick, woolly coat keeps it warm in its cold woodland home. Giant pandas have huge molar teeth and strong jaw muscles that allow them to smash thick bamboo. Many people think gigantic pandas are cute, yet they can be just as dangerous as any other bear. It is also listed as one of the fluffy animals in the world.

Giant Panda

10. Koala

The koala, with its huge spherical, fluffy ears, is recognized as an Australian icon. Unfortunately, symbolism is insufficient to save them from extinction. Koalas are in decline as a result of excessive tree clearance, bushfires, and drought. There are currently less than 100,000 individuals left in the wild. The koala is a well-known Australian mammal.

This tree-climbing species, also known as a “bear,” is a marsupial—a mammal with a pouch for the development of young. Though koalas appear cuddly, their hair is more like coarse sheep wool. Their hands have two opposing thumbs, and their feet and hands have rough pads and claws to grip onto branches. They have two fused toes on their feet that they utilize to comb their fur.


These are the list of animals affected by deforestation. Kindly share and do post your comments.

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